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Hey guys!

While I'm working on the next piece, I'd appreciate your insight on this.

Where did you hear about Cabaret Bara?

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Thank you for your help! ❤

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I found Taiyo on tiktok or Instagram, I don't remember exactly, I noticed a beaver tail on his profile picture (I'm so Canadian 😂) I wrote him to talk about it, he mentioned that picture was your work, so I checked your Instagram and I fell in love with Finn


So here's how the story goes about how I found you, CabaretBara. Going back to the days when NSFW art was allowed on Tumblr, that was my first interaction with your art. However, since because of the Tumblr purge and Twitter being a bit wishy-washy with there TOS there was a time where for a about a year or so I couldn't find your art. All I could remember was your characters were based on each of the Zodiac signs. Fast forward about another few months and having to give up looking for your art, I found you again only this time on Twitter after someone retwitted one of your OC's (and I think it was either Ben or Finn, I can't remember). Since then I subscribed to your patreon not wanting to try looking for it for years again and have been subscribed since.


I think I started following Cabaret Bara on Tumblr before the great purge...


Tumblr post referenced Twitter


Awwwwn thank you so much for your support, it means a lot! ❤ I straight-up forgot that Tumblr was even a thing lol! Those were the days!


Aaaaah that makes sense, I do think that after the purge, I posted a link there to help people find me on Twitter.


Your Etsy Shop...and I honestly don't remember what I was searching for 🤣


Far as I can tell you were still just posting the OG photos of the guys on insta. I eventually joined the patreon when Firouz & Markus gave Finn head when he first joined up cuz i wanted to see what the pics looked like without the emojis in thr way of some good stuff 😁

Hayden Hayes

I’m gonna be honest, I can’t remember exactly where. I think it was Twitter??

Night Haunter

I was here almost since the dawn of time, I hardly even know where… i think it was on Twitter tho…


Instagram about two years ago.


One of my contacts has Retweeted one of your posts. it was the end of 2021 if I remember correctly


It's fair, I don't expect the community members who have been here practically from the beginning to remember exactly haha. But thanks for responding anyway ❤ it still helps give me a general idea.


Haha you're one of the OGs so I can imagine you wouldn't remember. I kinda wanna say Twitter too. I think you approached me to have Justian drawn at first.


Ooooh thank you! It's nice to see that sharing my art can get it in front of the right people ❤

Allan Meyer

First referenced / reblogged by others on tumblr and Twitter. Not on Twit, so pledged to Patreon to be in direct contact.