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Normally, next week, when I come back from my "nurse break", I would get back to working on the comics. But I've received several messages from people asking for the other boys to be made into Eeveelutions too. 

The possible lineup would be: Nik as a steel-type, Darryl as a fighting-type, Pavel as a Ghost-type, and Cullen as a flying-type.

So I'm leaving the decision up to you, guys. I'm fine with either options.



Excited to see your take on fake eevelutions ! No bug type though ?


I think you know my voting habits haha


you just told me that the eeveelutions allow you to sleep, so I voted eeveelution for your own good


Hahahaha I mean the Eeveelutions are a more chill thing to work on, but the comic is a more important thing to work on so it's equivalent to me.


Yeah, I had to make difficult choices, so I didn't include bug, dragon, poison, ground, and rock. Otherwise, I'd be spending the whole month of March on this and the comic wouldn't progress at all lol.


Perhaps we can get the Eeveelutions as regular surprises 🥰🥰🥰


I voted for the Erveelutions, but I'm a bit undecided because the Fakemons don't attract me so much. I'd rather see real Pokémon cosplays. I know I'm a pain in the ass!!!


Yeah, very that! Since majority wants more, but it's still fairly mitigated, I think I'm gonna do one here in between comic pages.


Haha don't worry about it. And one day, I might do another series of Pokémon cosplays with other official Pokémon too.