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Hey everyone!

I'm sorry for posting so late. For those of you who don't know, my dog has been having big health issues in the last few days and she's been keeping me extremely busy. I'll try my best to catch up on my schedule.

In the meantime, please enjoy this redesign of Eros, the god of love, creator of the guardian faeries and patron of the Ero Angels. I've been meaning to redesign him for a long time since I felt like the old version didn't communicate his personality quite enough (and also I took the opportunity to make him more bara than before and I don't think anyone can complain about that :)

Check out the SFW version! 

Happy Valentine's day everyone! 💖

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This looks incredible! I hope the babe is okay. Take care of yourself 💖


I’m sorry to hear about your dog. Hope she’s ok! 😕 but great work as usual! 🔥🔥🔥

Tom W

Your attention to detail is impeccable! The more I look the more amazing details I find!

Adam Lunter

I love it! He looks so butch!


We're spending every penny, every minute, and every ounce of energy we have to make her better. It has to count for something.


That's not the word I would have used. But still hot and awesome!

Allan Meyer

This is f-ing GLORIOUS. Please let the good girl be OK.

Night Haunter

I already loved your first design of Eros… but this one!? ITS MAKING ME FEEL THINGS I HAVENT FELT BEFORE 🤤🤤🤤


Thank you <3 Her meds seem to be working, but she won't eat and she's lethargic.


Haha, I feel like this one looks like he has a lower wisdom score, but a higher charisma score :P feels appropriate