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Hey you lovely people!

It has been brought to my attention that some of you are having trouble navigating the content. There should normally be a pinned post at the top of our page that is designed to help you with that. You can find this post here.

I think the Patreon App might not be showing this post at the top of our page like it should so please, let me know how it's working for you, guys. If it's not working for a lot of you, I could start adding a link to it in all my posts moving forward to facilitate navigation.

As usual, I'm also open to feedback. Don't hesitate to let me know how I can improve the experience for you, guys.

Quick reminder

Also don't forget that you can win one of our gift packs by participating in our Discord server by January 3rd. This contest is public.


John K

The post is pinned, but on the app when you go into a post (like a panel on an episode) when you back out you are at your feed not the pinned post. It would be nice to at least have a way to navigate within the current episode, and perhaps back to the pin again


Good to know! The app looks very different from my end and I mostly use the desktop site personally so that kind of feedback is very useful to me.

Allan Meyer

Desktop is fine. Mobile on Patreon App on iOS clicking on Cabaret Bara just shows the posts in chronological order, newest at top. Pinned master post is right at the top on desktop MacOS.


c'est pinned, mais un peu mal fait sur téléphone, ça apparaît pas tout de suite, lorsque je choisis une page et que je fais back, ça me ramène à l'accueil de patreon, même pas sur le message avec les pin ni même sur ta page

John K

I was using the Android Patreon app (just realized that likely makes a difference lol)

Thomas Polk

It's on the Patreon feed on Windows 10 but not on the mobile with iPhone.


I’m also finding desktop is fine, but the iPhone app doesn’t have it pinned.