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Alright, so the winning story from the last side story poll, "It Runs in the Family", starts today. It will be 5 pages in total.

Now here's the thing. I know there's a particular kink in there that is pretty specific and that some readers might prefer not to see. Since it really starts on page 2, I will be adding a content warning as well as a "censor wall" in the next posts. But I have added a content warning on this page as well just in case.

If this type of content makes you uncomfortable, do keep in mind that this side story does not affect the main plot and can be skipped without missing any vital plot information.



Tom W

Is that his wedding ring on his necklace? 🥺 must've been chest day cause Finn's chest is popping 🥵 all 4 of them are gorgeous! I don't think I have Cullen's self control to not look at that ass! Jealousy is a disease and I am terminal!


I feel kinda bad Cullen is Jealous considering the amount of people I know that would kill for his body. Hope our boy can gain that self confidence he deserves 💜💜💜 Loved first page!!💜💜 Oh and Cullen sweetie, you probably have you shit together better than all of them😘


Haha, what can I say? Finn has that himbo chest 🤣 but yeah, I think Cullen is much more level-headed than any of us would be lol But how long will that self-control last though?


In Cullen's defense, I would probably be envious too if my brothers were Sean and Finn 😅 but yes, I think he needs someone to remind him he's got a lot going for him too.


Wait so is that Cullen’s bio-dad or stepdad?


This is quite interesting. I'm looking forward to see where all this will go. (Yeah, I didn't look at the preview to keep the surprise XD ) Chris looks great.

Hayden Hayes

Aww, this is kinda adorable to start! I totally get Cullen too; I just can't put on muscles, period, and it can get frustrating


This is the content I've been waiting for!! Looking forward to seeing the story unfold 😏


You managed to not look at the preview? You have more self control than I do hahahaha!


I mean, to be fair, it's not easy and there's a part of genetics that comes into play. With that being said, I think there are many different body types that are attractive 👀


Haha thanks, I have received many messages in the past asking for that specific type of content so I think many people will be happy with it.

Chris Theurer

So excited for this. Yummy


Such a shame they are brothers...


😅 just a heads-up, if you feel that way, you might wanna skip this side story...


I think it would be hot but I hope Patreon won't bitch about it

Icarus Falls

This is exactly where I was hoping this was going! Can’t wait for the next pages!


The Glitz merch!!! I love them so much

Conor Young

Even soft, all that meat looks mouthwatering 🤤🤤🤤 Cullen's one lucky guy!


Definitely! And it's even more impressive when you learn that they're actually grow-ers and not just show-ers 💀

