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Hey guys!
I'm gonna try to do this update real quick with bullet points because there's a lot I wanna go over haha. You can always refer to the pinned Master Post to keep up to date.

• Store Update

Alright so first, our 5th character pack just came out on Cabaret Bara's Etsy Store. It includes all the variations for Henry, Leon, and Karim. Check it out here! The next character pack will be the last one to complete the Cabaret Bara crew. 🎉

• Holiday Break

Next on my list, I wanna announce officially that I am going to take a break (or at least try my best to) from December 22nd to January 3rd. There will however still be some content coming out in December and January so rest assured that you won't have time to miss me lol.

• Side Story Poll Results

Those of you who checked the poll may have noticed that the side story "It Runs in the Family" won by a landslide. I know the subject matter isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's a fairly short story (5 pages) and it doesn't have much to do with the main plot so you can skip it if you don't wish to see it. With that being said, the VIPs got their preview of it yesterday and so far, the comments have been very positive.

• December Poll

I will post a poll (for patrons) shortly to let y'all choose what content you wanna see in December cause I have several options and I think they're all valid. Plus: I like to hear from you, guys. <3

• Discord VIPs

I've added an extra role for VIPs in our Discord community, giving you access to exclusive channels. Don't forget to link your Patreon account to your Discord account if you want the correct roles to be attributed to you. If your roles weren't updated automatically, please reach out to a mod or to me for assistance.

• Twitter Ban

I still get a lot of messages regarding the disappearance of the Cabaret Bara Twitter account and I'm afraid it's still suspended permanently. I have been trying to appeal the ban and I have tried making new accounts, but I don't wanna get your hopes up cause so far, nothing has worked. For now, I encourage you to follow Finn's (uncensored) adventures here or on Instagram and TikTok.



Adam Lunter

All great stuff!!! And I wouldn’t worry about Twitter too much. There’s an idiot at the helm there now.


Hahaha right, everyone keeps talking about how Twitter has gone full-on bonkers... And I'm like "yeah, that's Twitter" 💀

Allan Meyer

Twit... probably let it go. Way too chaotic, plus might get the "wrong" people back on it. I might have to go -back- to tumblr or heaven forbid, deviantArt.


Ugh... Tell me about it... I made a Deviant Art account the other day and instantly started having flashbacks to questionable Sonic fan art.