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13 Days of Halloween - Day 13
from Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Here it is, day 13 finally! I wanted to save Maleficent for last because she was the one that seemed the most "Halloweeny" to me so... Well... Happy Halloween haha!

With that being said, maybe tomorrow, with the benefit of hindsight, I'll look at it and realize that it looks completely off. (happens a lot when I attempt that angle in the face lol) But at the very least, I can say the series is all done now!

I am exhausted lol, but it was worth it. This series was a lot of fun to make and I'm really glad I did it. Thank you everyone for encouraging me and supporting me throughout.

The whole set will be available as prints very soon, but in the meantime, I'm gonna go get some rest hehe. I will probably take a break soon, I just need to tie up a few loose ends first (including Henry's profile).




Omg bow down to the true king of Halloween!!! 🥵🥵🥵


Dammmm not me rethinking my choices 😂

Adam Lunter

Wonderful work! Congratulations on the ultimate Disney Villain, and a great series!!!


Again, the outfit design and general mood is on fucking point! Looks amazing and incredibly sexy


Hard decisions are the ones worth making 🤣 you still have until Sunday to decide.


Thank you, I'm very happy that the "Mistress of Evil" turned out good. Especially since that casting was pretty out there.


Thanks, I'm really happy y'all enjoyed this challenge, it was a lot of work, but I enjoyed it a lot.


Well, well…what a glittering assemblage, King Alek. Royalty, nobility, the gentry and…how quaint…even the harlots.

Chris Theurer

That is the hottest codpiece ever

Hayden Hayes

It certainly would require some powerful magic to keep that monster contained!!


Haha monster might be a bit generous, but hey, can't say it's easy to keep that codpiece from falling off.

Tom W

Okay now that I'm not busy I'll take some time to really appreciate the beauty of this! I love the armour pieces and the details and how his spiky hair works so well with the whole look! The dragon wings at the top of the leg pieces are incredible