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13 Days of Halloween - Day 6
Judge Claude Frollo
from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1996)

It's funny to me that some people were surprised Pavel was gonna be Frollo. I feel like he fits the theme of obsession pretty well... The yearning for something he can't have... You know, that sort of thing. Anyway, Frollo is one of the best and most evil Disney villains out there imho and Hunchback is definitely an underrated gem.

I know the character was a judge in the Disney version, but he was supposed to be a priest in the original story so I decided to bring that back into his design. I think it adds to the sort of "wrong" feeling of it. Plus, you'd be surprised how many adult movies feature priests as a roleplay element.



Adam Lunter

I love it! So far I think he’s my favorite


Omg Pavel looks so fucking good!! 😍😍😍

Tom W

I just know I'm gonna burn in hellfire for how thirsty I am over this man right now

Hayden Hayes

Let’s be real, he was basically a priest in the movie too 😂 and I have to say, the theming fits quite well! Pavel definitely is the most sexually conserved of the boys (for obvious reasons), though I don’t think he’s quite as bad as Frollo! Wonder if he can sing, though? Hellfire is one of my favorite villain songs

Allan Meyer

Oh such drama, typical clergy peeking to make sure we are watching it unfold.


Mmm so hot


Hellfire is FIRE! But for real though, no, Pavel isn't as bad as Frollo. Pavel's story is much sadder imo and sympathy towards him isn't misplaced.

Hayden Hayes

Yeah, Pavel it’s hard NOT to feel bad for! Frollo… we’ll, he’s a great villain, but it would be way too tempting to punch him in the face


No real song-quoting here, but this does bring a new meaning to hellfire.


If the church men-people were this hot and wore outfits like this, I would be more inclined to go to church tbh


I will hear the word of God if it is told to me by a sexy muscular man in a skimpy outfit.