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13 Days of Halloween - Day 3
Captain Hook
from Peter Pan (1953)

Alright, I gotta come clean on this one, I am not the biggest Peter Pan fan. Don't get me wrong, I think the animated movie is a beautiful piece of art, but since I have not seen it as a kid and only as an adult, I guess it doesn't have that much nostalgia for me.

Since I didn't wanna let Henry down though, I did a lot of research and ended up mixing the version from Hook (1991) which I love and have tons of nostalgia for, and the version from Peter Pan (2003) because... Well, you'll get it when you see the NSFW version. I also wanted to sprinkle a little bit of OUAT Hook because, let's face it, he's just that hot, but he wasn't quite compatible with Henry's particular brand of sexy. So I ended up leaning a liiiiittle bit cowboy instead, but I'm not mad.

(Also little cameo from Cullen, say hi to our Twinkerbell!)



Adam Lunter

LOVE IT!!! I’ll keep the Tick-Tock Croc away from him… and seeing Cullen as Twinkerbell… priceless!


A special offer for today, I’ll tell you what I’ll do, all those who sign without delay will get a CB tattoo…


Have to convince friend but this may inspire next year's pride outfits😍😍


HAHA funny enough i was gonna say "hey look twinkabell" but then i read the caption XD

Conor Young

GOD, this is just too much to handle! I love the 2003 and 1991 influences in the design, it turned out so gorgeous! Seems like Henry's born to be dressed up in leather straps 😋

Tom W

Aye, Aye Captain! 😍


Damn I love this cosplay so much! We need more Henry around for sure! He’s so damn sexy 🥵🥵🥵🥵

Night Haunter

I love Twinkerbell too much!


Can't go wrong with leather straps hahaha! Thank you for your kind words! <3


Gotta be Hook, can think of lots fun~ ways to use that hook

Allan Meyer

There’s my boys Henry and Cullen. Adorable and hot…