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Here's a glimpse into Nik's trauma to kick off spooky season! 😀



Tom W

Okay maybe staying up late wasn't such a good idea 🙃 imma just take my trauma and run

Adam Lunter

Poor Nik… you can make peace with your inner demons, but that doesn’t always mean your past is done with you, huh?


Aw poor Nik 😢

Tom W

Also not Finn sleeping like that looking like a dead person 😂😂😂


omg, I'm so blind 🙈 I never noticed that scar on Finn before

Tom W

Oh it is an amazing page! It's great to meet Sarah!


Nik still has A LOT of work to do on himself hahaha, he wasn't kidding when he said he's a mess


*gay screaming* The page came out so well!!!💜💜💜 Nik baby, I'm so sorry. Your can work through this trauma, don't close off from Finn again please😭😭

Night Haunter

The way Finn is laying there, snoring… reminds me of how I find myself waking up, usually also twisted and tangled in the sheets But anyhow, amazing page as always!


Awwww poor Nik so much trama in his life. Poor guy. 🧡🧡🧡🧡


I wonder why the most comfortable sleeping positions are always the worst for your spine... Andyway, thank you!