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I swear, Nik should pay damages for the strain his body hair puts on my wrist, but anyway, we finally got a happy ending for Finnik! Yay! 

Oh but wait... It's not the last page yet, is it? 🙂 (psychopath smile)




ABOUT DAMN TIME…[ducks the epilogue that screams a massive BUT.]


Yoooo they finally did it!!! Me heart! It’s so full! Glitz will send them a congratulatory basket

Hayden Hayes

Lol I get the feeling Nik needs to pay damages for a LOT here. Also… it’s a full moon still, isn’t it? It lasts three days during a lunar cycle, and while I’m certain his wolf wouldn’t harm Finn, I don’t think Nik cares

Adam Lunter

What an adventure! Thank you again for letting me help and for letting Daddy be a part of all the wonderful weirdness of the CBU! He really needs a rest now, but hopefully he’ll show up again sometime in the future. ❤️🖤💙 Congratulations Finn and Nik 💕


Woah nice detail on Nik ass .


This legit made me chub up a little bit 🔥

Chris Theurer

So flipping sweet and hot. Let’s see what happens next


Thank youuuu, but there's still one more page left (and the two bonus pages) so it's not over yet! ❤️

Tom W

I was happy...then i saw the '...' at the end of that last text box 🙃 why must you torture me so? Also love Nik's face when he cums xD and that last shot of them melts my cold dead heart

Adam Lunter

Oh I know 😉 I’m still getting lost in all the little details… Záchari’s lollipop back in his mouth… Daddy apologizing even though what happened wasn’t totally his fault… Finn is still leaking even as they watch their faeries fly away… and it’s also interesting that Nik is in the same pose (only facing the other way) as he was when Záchari was comforting him after the full moon… there’s something very sweet about that. Who knew he was a little spoon?! And the kiss I front of the cityscape… exactly how I imagined it when I was writing it. ❤️ Great work!


Thank you for all your kind words ❤️ I'm glad someone noticed the mirror of the Z&N show's panel!

Joan Caran


Leisurely Panda

Bum bum BAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! Famous last words. At least these two finally got together. Though knowing Finn's luck something will happen and one or both of them will end up getting amnesia or something


Lol I promise I'm not gonna go the soap opera amnesia route (despite the look haha)


Wait has Finn always had the little crescent shaped scar on his shoulder? 👀

Thomas Polk

I have a solution to the Nik hair problem: shave his body. Finn could do it.