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Leisurely Panda

Oh hell! Not Cheri and Záchari! They're too cute to get hurt! I really hope Nik pulls through here and is able to help out.


That purple design is SO HOT!


i think i said that before but fuck.....

Adam Lunter

WOW!!!!!! I don’t even have the words! I keep hearing a jet engine spooling up in my mind when I see the Sweet Sweet Thrust! Love that Zachari’s halo turns purple during that too! And the Dungeon Master is just magnificent!!!!

Hayden Hayes

Welp. Seems like whatever resistance daddy had is now GONE. I do wonder what exactly his powers are; they seem interesting! Not gonna lie tho, I’m getting a bit of a Graz’zt vibe from him


Interesting look on daddy. Over all I love it and I’m super invested haha

Hayden Hayes

Ooh, Buddy, have I got the scoop for you! Try searching him up; he’s from D&D. You will NOT be disapponted

Allan Meyer

AAAaargh… putting… aside… my incipient rage… to say how much I love and appreciate Záchari’s weaponized halo… this world rocks.


Do you draw by hand first or everything is done on a computer? For some reason i have that image of you drawing muscle guys with fat dick in a Tim Hortons drinking coffee and eating a donut.


Hahahaha I used to draw on paper when I was a beginner, but I work on my computer from zero nowadays.

Zachary Morris

Oh no NIK help him get them all out of this nasty situation. Poor Adam and Finn under a mind control and Poor Cheri bound. Let’s hope he saves them in time. 🧡🧡🧡🧡 And also poor Zachari I hope our little bean is okay.


Haha just saw and I can see it lol! To be fair, one's a demon prince and the other is based on this emoji 😈

Chris Theurer

Love Daddy’s design as a heartbroken and watching big dicks swing 🤤🥰🤤


Heartbrokens are scary, but big swinging dicks are relaxing, so it evens out :P

Hayden Hayes

Lol true! But I don’t think he would complain about the comparison 😆

Night Haunter

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Cheri secretly likes being tied up like this

Adam Lunter

DM’s based on the 😈 emoji??? How the hell have I missed that all this time?! 🤯

Adam Lunter

I don’t think anything that’s happening right now is consensual. DM is the embodiment of every toxic Dom out there. But… I actually know nothing about Chéri’s proclivities, so it’s possible you’re right.

Adam Lunter

I’m not laughing because I think it’d be funny to try submitting to Chéri. I’m laughing because it’s tough for me to imagine the faeries (pocket or humanoid form) having sex lives at all! Even when they are subduing the heartbrokens, they’re more like the battery in the vibrator, right?

Allan Meyer

HAAAHA Wow I will probably never look at a superhero battle the same way again after that metaphor.

Conor Young

DAMN, that heartbroken design is so hot!!