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Oh noes! 😱




does that mean Roman is out of his territory again?

Hayden Hayes

Interesting. For starters, he’s cheating. Daddy neither consented nor had a strong desire, and he’s out of bounds, technically. But also… he chose a highly resistant target, one who doesn’t ‘suppress’ his desires so much as he accepts them, and chooses which he feels comfortable acting on. This could create a VERY fun monster.

Adam Lunter

Well… as long as he doesn’t bring the heartbroken into the club… which it seems like he won’t be doing.

Leisurely Panda

Oh no! Not Daddy! And poor Finn! He's in for a very rough night. Hopefully Nik can get his shit together real quick.


Here we go again. Better get another fundraiser going.


Haha yeah, if anything, Roman seemed eager to leave the club. But I think it has more to do with him knowing who Finn is and where he is 👀


Roman is a notorious cheater 👀 I mean, there are clues ♥️♠️♦️♣️

Hayden Hayes

Lol now I’m gonna have to go back and try to find all the clues I missed


🤣 I don't think Alek will need financial help with his condo, he can probably ask mommy for money lol.


Let alone trying to explain what happened to your insurance agent. “Yeah, a daddy threw his massive dick around and that’s how the house got leveled. This is covered, right?”


This was one of Eris's Heartbrokens, right? Then I'm afraid it's not. We don't cover acts of god(s).

Allan Meyer

Wow. Ya boy Roman really gets around. No wonder Eris keeps giving him the benefit of the doubt.


Oh no poor adam 😭😭😭😭 I hate this twerp he’s such a little bug and needs to be squished


Who knows, maybe the bug will get caught in a web and be eaten by a big spider. 🤷‍♂️

Chris Theurer

Intrigued to see what monster he becomes


So was daddy actually falling in love with Finn? And sorry I’m a late subscriber/patron but who is this villain guy again? 😬

Nashoba Lusa

I really want to know Roman and Eris ’s other underlings reasons for working for the literal goddess of hate and discord


That's Roman, he's one of Eris's agents. As for daddy, I don't think he had feelings for Finn, it's more that he wishes Finn would want to be his sub/boy permanently, not just on the job.


I hate that I love the way he looks in leathers even if he is twinky hehe


Ya, I don't recall any of Beryl'a minions having a happy ending lol. And seeing as that's a part of the inspiration I don't see Roman having a pretty fate lol

Adam Lunter

(Click as the phone hangs up… we see that it was Beatrix on the other end of the line!)