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Hey VIPs! Here are the previews for the next 3 pages.

As usual, if you prefer not to see them before they're finished, do not open the next images. Thanks again for your support and have a great weak!



Adam Lunter

One look at that center frame on page 7 and Ollie’s going to be drinking the fans’ heartache like a fine wine, complete with the swishing and sniffing… I didn’t have anything like this in the story, but I like it better with this bit of drama included. It feels like a much more “grown up” episode with it there. Thank you for making that adjustment!!!


Awwww 😭😭😭 you rip my heart out every time. But I can also relate to both in this conversation hell I’ve been both in this kinda conversation

Adam Lunter

They are great. And of course would Nik drive anything other than a muscle-car? I thought maybe a Jeep or an ‘07 Escape, but this is much more fitting.


Oh and thank you for the comment on the argument! I was hoping it would feel relatable to some ❤️


Thank you for basically letting me do my own thing with your story haha! Not everyone is willing to give me that degree of freedom when we collab and I'm very grateful for it ❤️

Adam Lunter

I don’t think there’s a person out there who hasn’t had this discussion at some point… that’s why it’s going to work so great…. And give you so much heartache to savor.

Adam Lunter

Well in exchange you let me pick out the cars… and the t-shirts. I think it’s a fair trade. 😂

Adam Lunter

Moral of the story: load brain before shooting off mouth.

Adam Lunter

Just want your opinion… and Ollie, weigh in on this, for sure. That center panel alone with no words is pretty powerful, but if Finn were just to say “Idiot…?” Would that add, subtract or be overkill?

Allan Meyer

Bastard. That mouth cost you and you deserved it.


Mmmh good point, Adam. I'm not sure. What I'm trying to get across is a heavy silence. My problem is I think of CB as an animated show instead of a static comic, so some of the things I try to work in would usually work better in a cartoon than a comic.

Adam Lunter

Ah… then maybe the ellipsis? Or the thought box saying “idiot…?”


In Nik's defense, Finn kept giving him intent that he didn't have and ran with it.


I think for now, I prefer it with silence, but maybe I'll feel differently once I have the artwork with color and everything.

Adam Lunter

But part of why I like letting you do your own thing is because now there are some surprises! It’s like learning a whole new route from point A to B. And in some ways, I think I’m much more invested in the story now than I was when I was writing it! What a cool thing to have happen! I think if you had stuck to the exact talk-track of the tale, i might not feel that way. It’d be fun to see it visualized, but the adventure as a reader would be gone.