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I spent way too much time on this page. But I think I'm slowly getting back into the beat of drawing comic panels every day.




Alek sassing Leon tho


Thank you for the hard work and it came out amazing!😍😍😍 The the amount of detail you put in, especially for this like Nik's good never fails to impress. Also damn look like I'm about to fall in love with another sassy man😔😂


like if Daddy was the only obsessed and/or married customer

Adam Lunter

There’s so much to love… the tattoo work on Leon, the new costumes for Nik and Alek, the leather crown and the pup hood, “squirrel!”, and that final panel… oh em gee! I’m just loving seeing my story take shape like this! Can’t thank you enough!

Leisurely Panda

Awww poor Nik. He needs to talk about his feelings and be honest. Though Alek sounds like he needs to do the same. The angst is delicious but I do look forward to seeing this Daddy. Finn deserves to be treated right.


Hahaha squirrel


Hahahaha RIGHT!? We like to think that our married guests always have their spouse's blessing to come to Cabaret Bara, but tbh, their marital lives are their own business.


I'm so happy you're enjoying it, I'm always worried you'll be disappointed when I take things in my own direction, but you always seem to trust me and I appreciate that so much. I feel like our ideas work so well together! ❤


Both Alek and Nik keep a lot of feelings inside, but each for their own reasons. Of course, we can summarize all that to Toxic Masculinity™

Tom W

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I love it! Leon's facial expressions on this page are such moods! Also more pup nik!!! I also love the new crown you gave Alek it stands out a lot more with his golden hair and goes with the uniform more! Also Leon being a little meddler!

Adam Lunter

It looks like the leather crowns you see companies like Mr. S and Wolfstryker selling these days!

Hayden Hayes

Ooh, now things are getting interesting! And I guess Finn is about to play ‘hide the nuts’ 😂


Thanks! The changes aren't massive, but I think they make the designs work better.


Pls tell me we get to see that hot scene between daddy and finn

Adam Lunter

I can’t believe I missed the wolf eye in that last panel with Nik