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I will be completely honest and admit that looking at these makes me cringe SO BAD lol! But I thought it would be funny to show some of my older old art and I figured I'd rather laugh with you than just be laughed at haha. 

I was just starting to get a feel for NSFW art back then and I was also just starting to draw men (yep, funnily enough, on the SFW side of my art, all I ever got asked for was cute girls) and I remember, those were the Tumblr days. I would draw these by night while working at a call center by day and also working a few art gigs for children's card games (obviously, not in that style lmao).

At least, looking back at these makes me see how much I've improved.




Love that sorcerer with the skull mask! 👅

Tom W

Is that Karim getting DPd by Alek and Nik? A true power bottom from day one! I love that angel piece! Honestly your art was amazing back then but it's so cool and interesting to see how your style has developed and grown!!

Adam Lunter

I love little trips down memory lane like this. Please don’t cringe… it was a stepping stone to this current adventure… and a VERY solid one!

Night Haunter

I love how one is, comparing to who we have now, looks like Pavel and Cullen 😜

Hayden Hayes

I can definitely see how your style’s evolved since then! But also, I wish I was half as good as you at this time 😂


Haha thank you! But I guess I can't help the cringe 🤣 it's part of the charm, I suppose!


Aaaah you're very sweet, it's funny how others can look upon my old artwork with much kinder eyes than I can.

Hayden Hayes

Nah, I think it’s natural! You see your flaws, where others see your growth, because you want to improve, and we want to marvel at how much you’ve improved

Adam Lunter

Every parent looks at their children the same way. These are your babies who’ve grown and changed the way all things do. Be proud.


Damn this is so awesome to see! Your style and art has evolved so beautifully!!! I love the Spider-Man one too would love to see an update of that!! And also love that angel one!

Chris Theurer

Love the Zodiac pics. Especially the twins. Love me some Asian men


Thanks! Oooh maybe I could put one of the boys in the Spiderman costume then... Who should it be?

Thomas Polk

How great to have a peek at the evolution of your style, skill and characters. I actually love the older style as well. It may not be as vibrant and complex but it is well made and has life and charm. I especially like your Asian pair and the fellow with the little, is it Ares, tattoo.