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Oh look, Cullen's in the flashback too!

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Mattantra (edited)

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2023-06-19 12:13:39 The panel of Finn and Cullen!!!! &lt;333333
2023-04-24 17:18:57 The panel of Finn and Cullen!!!! <333333

The panel of Finn and Cullen!!!! <333333


Ohhh what a nice story: they both open up and tell their feelings. Almost tears in my eyes … 🥹

Allan Meyer

Oh gods this is so adorable I just can't...


It’s a great reminder in life as well. They are on point and so adorable 🥰

Adam Lunter

And there’s pre-haircut Finn too! Finn really has his moments where he shines, doesn’t he? I love it. Wonder where they’re going on their date… 🤔

Adam Lunter

BTW, Chibi Glitz in a wedding dress is just too much!!! 😍🤪😄👍👩‍🎤


This page was so amazing I love it so much!!! And the message from this page is so true!!! ❤️

Tom W

I absolutely adore this page! Finn opening up and confiding in someone! He really has learnt since the Christmas Carol! (Also is Cullen's phone case a Pikachu Gijinka or from an anime I don't know xD) Love the flashback and little reference to Kevin's art!


Hahaha well, there aren't many things Finn is good at, but he's good at making people feel good 💁‍♂️ also I know, everytime I see pre-haircut Finn, I keep wondering if he should go back to that style 💀

Adam Lunter

Nah… too many gym-bros out there doing that look. The fade is sexy AF.

Adam Lunter

He sure did learn something from that experience. That Jade is in the picture more proves it too.


I mean he has learnt, but as he said, he felt like he was falling back in his old ways and he was disappointed in himself. Sometimes you need a reminder, progress is not always linear. And yes, the phone case is a pikachu magical girl gijinka hahaha! Not me inserting my old sfw art again 💀

Tom W

Yeah, progress doesn't just happen instantly so it's good that Finn can recognise his negative patterns and grow from it! Also, I kinda want to see this old sfw gijinka art 👀

Hayden Hayes

I totally forgot Finn’s a middle child! Also, I just realized the title is rent a HUSBAND, not rent a boyfriend


I am obsessed with Glitz's concert outfit