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Hey everyone! I'm sorry, I completely forgot that today was Father's Day. I was already working on something else so I wasn't able to take the time to make a whole illustration, but I made a sketch a bit like I did for Mother's Day. We're pretty wholesome lately!

So here you get a look at Pavel's father's day with his family 8 years ago. Featuring happy Pavel, Nathalie (RIP), baby Sébastien, and his eldest Alexis (before he started hating his dad)

Happy days might not last forever so make the most of them while you can! ❤



Tom W

Aww this is so cute! Bless Pavel!

Adam Lunter

Wow… this is very poignant. Wonderful work too!


Hehe I figured instead of complaining about my no dad, I could find another way to ruin everyone's day this year 💀 Seriously though thank you, this was more effort than I hoped to invest, but drawing kids is the bane of my existence. Worth it though!

Adam Lunter

Hey… my dad was absent too. But, just like Pavel, he had his moments.

Hayden Hayes

The Kirby hat is really cute, and this is a beautiful scene, but I feel like I must be missing some context


Well, this is just a bit of insight into Pavel's backstory. Some of it has been hinted at in his profile if that helps 😚

Hayden Hayes

Ah, that’s what it was! Well I guess I’ll just have to go back and give it a read. All I remember is that he’s straight and has a dead wife…


OK wow...I was not ready for this gut punch! Aww it's so gorgeous...and they are so cute and happy. I love it and hate it at the same time!


I want to love this, but the hurt makes me hate it. I love it. Well done. But I hate you. Still friends though 💖

Allan Meyer

Put a “like” on here because it helps the artist metrics. Pavel’s situation is very poignant indeed.


I mean, contradicting emotions are emotions nonetheless 😜 I'm glad it made you react!


Well, thanks for helping the metrics 😚 but don't feel pressured to offer your support/likes, it's always 100% up to you!

Night Haunter

It’s so heartbreaking to see when you know Pavel’s situation now… I feel so sorry for him 🥺


I wanted to show that Pavel wasn't always how he is now ❤️ I think it helps understand him more.


Unrelated to the tragedy, but... I wonder if Pavel ever considered becoming a cop?