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There it is! Also, yes, I lied when I said there would be no Ero Lovely references in this one. 🤷‍♂️


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Hayden Hayes

Lol things are getting crazy and I love it

Allan Meyer

Eris Agency… Mr Donovan’s schedule will be changing


what a plot twist! I love it

Tom W

Roman suddenly doesn't look as cocky as he did before 👀 I knew Lance was gonna be a bad egg!


Thank you! I love twisting plots! J'aime ça twister des plotes! Oh wait... 😶

Tom W

Oh me too 😈 seems he's getting punished for crossing onto P's territory after all hehe

Night Haunter

Justian offers his services as new Manager for Glitz! He deserves so much better


Not gonna lie his manager is kinda hot!!! Lol but they are so much hotter then him! And hope they can get the clothes back so Sean doesn’t kill Finn lol


Damn. I should not have opened this right now.... I'm so happy Lance is featuring! When I saw him in the title card I chubbed

Adam Lunter

Donovan leaks as much as Finn… does that make him one of Finn’s foils?


He really does! But someone needs to find a way to get Glitz out of his contract.


Hahaha I mean, they're all different kinds of hot, but when you're an ass, it takes away a lot of the charm 💁‍♂️


Hahahaha I think there was quite a bit of Roman's saliva as well 🙆‍♂️