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EDIT: Fixed a few mistakes

Some of you might remember him from October when I drew him for a Drawlloween prompt, but I figured Koi Finn had his place in this series too (and also Chéri had to get the treatment as well lmao)



Tom W

Honestly, Chéri kills me!!! He looks so done! 😂😂😂😂 another incredible piece in the mermay collection!! I love it so much!

Hayden Hayes

Lol of course he’s a koi! Somehow it made perfect sense from the moment I saw his tail

Hayden Hayes

A question arises: Since logically speaking, mermaids/men would be much larger than humans, how big are these guys?


Thank yooou ❤️ am I mean for loving it when Chéri isn't having a good time? 💀


Oh? Much bigger? I was thinking they're proportional to their regular size, but the tail is longer than their human legs just cause that looks pretty lol


Yaaayy! Finn looks so happy! I love it. So gorgeous


This is so freaking cute! I love Cheri’s face lol I love Merman Finn!!!


Thank you ❤️ I'm glad y'all aren't tired of the mermaids yet lol, only two days left!


Absolutely fishtastic! :) Cheri is not amused.

Allan Meyer

FINNtastic! As if I wasn’t enough in love with Chéri before.

Night Haunter

Look how happy he looks!


Love it.