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Hey guys! This page was a lot for work to put together, but I'm glad I managed to work all these cameos in.

Ngl, I'm demotivated cause today I was made aware that someone has been leaking my stuff, but I'll try not to let it bring me down and finish this tomorrow.



Zachary Morris

This page looks so amazing!!! And I’m so sorry buddy that’s just so awful. People fucking suck this is why we can’t have nice things. ❤️❤️❤️

Tom W

Damn this page is hot! Can't wait to see the final piece! 🥵 I'm sorry somebody is leaking your content!

Douglas Pawson

Why would someone do that? It makes no sense.

Allan Meyer

Hot- can’t wait to see it done. Guess there’s one in every crowd, sorry to hear it.


I know, it can't be helped, there's always gonna be someone to screw things for everyone else. But thanks though, very appreciated.


I honestly don't know, I always thought I was fair with the perks I offer to the people who wanna support me. It's a shame someone decided to take the risk of ruining it for everyone.


Thanks so much! I know it sucks, I understand why so many nsfw artists end up going MIA when that happens, it's so demotivating.


Thanks! I know, there's always gonna be someone who's willing to ruin it for everyone else out of spite, it sucks.

Sky Fernandes

The wip looks amazing, there should be a way to track down people who repost, you're so amazing and don't deserve that <3

Stephen Dresden

This looks utterly incredible! I have no other words for it! I truly wish some people would respect your work more. Leaking it is just low. I know how much love and passion you put into every piece of work you do. Just please know that I and many others love you and all your work in return. We appreciate you. I just want you to know that.


This is looking so great. <3 So sorry that someone leaked your work. :(


Oh wow this page is so spicy! Incredible. That's really shitty about the leaks. If the pandemic has taught us anything it's that people are the worst


Awesome job! I genuinely hate that someone’s doing that to you, though. As a sometimes-artist, I know it’s very disheartening, but don’t let it get you down.


I suppose it can't be helped 🤷‍♂️ but thanks a lot! I was hoping you'd like your guest appearance 👀


Thank you so much ❤️ I'm feeling better now and I'm still very grateful for all of you being here, y'all are a beautiful community and and even if we have a few party-poopers in the bunch, it doesn't take away from all the awesome people here.


Thank you! I'm hoping to do Elkan justice ❤️ he's one of Alek's favorite regulars after all 😉


Definitely right about that! But it's okay, I wanna focus on the good people in this community. The fact that we picked up some trash people along the way shouldn't take away from the lovely ones like you 💁‍♂️


Thank you I'm doing better and I try my best to focus on those who see value in what I do.

King Leung

This looks amazing 🤩 stay strong there are always leakers… but there are more supporters out there XOXO


Exactly! Gonna focus on those who think my art is worth supporting ❤️ thanks for being here!