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Thanks again to Adam for collaborating with me on this side project, I'm enjoying it tremendously and I hope all of you will too!

I'm sorry it took me a while to finish this. Nik's furry body is quite time-consuming to draw and I was going through a lot this last weekend, but I think working on this was good therapy for me. Thanks everyone for being so kind and patient with me as always!

Superhero Lessons from a Stuffed Animal

Short story by Adam Lunter

The shackles had been pulled out from under the bed and were laying at on the mattress at each corner, pointing towards the center of the bed where Nik sat naked with a scowl on his face. Alek entered with his sleeves rolled up and his hair in a horse tail. He clapped twice briskly and pointed at the head of the bed.
“You still owe me an explanation,” Nik growled. His eyes were starting to glow, which meant he only had a few more minutes before moonrise.
“Yes, I know,” Alek admitted. “And I would give you one with all the trimmings and side dishes but for the fact that we need to get you locked in for the night. Now lie down.”
Nik complied with a huff. “Alek, I’ve got way too much on my plate dealing with this bullshit every month,” Nik said, pointing at the restraints.
“Life’s a bitch like that, isn’t it?” said Alek as he secured Nik’s wrist. “All I can tell you is that you’ve been picked for a reason. I don’t know what it is, but Eros has deemed your heart worthy.”
“Yeah... that’s going to need more time than we have,” Alek said, giving the lock that secured the bracelet encircling Nik’s wrist a firm tug. “Zachari is actually here to help explain too. I’m sure he’ll tell you tomorrow.”
“Fuck my life!” snarled Nik. His teeth were almost at full length. It was both the moon and the emotion making it happen. “I’m going to be taking superhero lessons from a stuffed animal.”
“Look,” Alek said as he hurried around to the other side of the bed to get to work on Nik’s other wrist. “I know you don’t believe it now, but what you have been given is a very high honor, and that little guy out there in your living room is not only your guide but the key to great power that will benefit others in ways only you can make possible.”
“You saw what Finn is capable of with his faerie,” Alek said as he closed the other wrist restraint and tugged it hard to test its strength.
It only took mentioning Finn’s name to get the fangs to retract momentarily. Finn who had defeated some fucked up giant... Finn who had written him a valentine... Finn to whom he wanted to tell the truth but couldn’t.
“Is he okay?” Nik asked.
“He’s fine, Nik,” Alek said as he knelt down next to Nik’s right ankle and began working on the restraint there. “Don’t worry. You’ll see him in a couple of days.”
He couldn’t get Finn out of his mind, and it wasn’t just some weird longing that governed the feeling. There was something more solid about it. He tried to shove it aside and conjure up that adorkable face, that delicious physique, and that nice thick cock of his. All that he could come up with was that pink-haired angel that Finn had become when he had merged with his little plushie or whatever it was.
Merged with that plushie...
“Alek,” he said, allowing one brick fall out of his wall. “I don’t want to turn into one more thing.”
Alek was finished with the shackle that held Nik’s left leg in place. He came back to he head of the bed, leaned over, and touched Nik on the cheek. “I know you’re overwhelmed right now,” he said. “And this probably couldn’t have happened on a worse night, but all I can tell you is that it’s not like this. There’s no pain involved and there’s no loss of consciousness. It’s like having a river of wonderful power flowing through you. And you not only feel capable of incredible things, you’ll be able to do them.”
“Like you and Finn?”
“Yes,” Alek said, providing a comforting smile. “It will be something different for you, but I’m sure it will be magnificent. In the meantime, you need to learn to trust Zachari. One day, your relationship with him will make that magnificent thing possible.”
Nik could feel the darkness beginning to swallow him. Outside, the last remnants of the sun’s colors had disappeared below the horizon. He knew he only had a few seconds. “I wish...” he began.
The hand touching Nik’s cheek brushed the hair away from his forehead. “What?”
“I wish... Finn were here to te... tell me about...” he grunted as he struggled to hold on to his humanity a little longer.
“I know,” Alek said gently. “One day, your relationship with him will make a magnificent thing possible too. But first, you’ve got to stop being such a secretive horse’s arse and trust him too.”
“I hate you,” Nik said in a voice that was now more growl than anything.
Alek’s smile widened as he leaned in and kissed Nik on the forehead once. “No, you don’t,” he said and departed just as Nik began to writhe and scream in wretched agony as the wolf took over his body.

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Hopefully Finn like it doggy style and rough .


I...just want Nik to find happiness. He deserves the best tummy rubs.


I love seeing the soft side of Nik too! And this was also very sexy at the end! 🥵🥵🥵 And Zachari is in trouble lol 😂 he’s a cutie too lol


Hahaha thank you King! Nik is actually a pretty sensitive/emotional guy, it's just that anger is also an emotion lmao.


This looks fantastic dude!!

Nashoba Lusa

My DC comics oc Nik if only you were the same kind of werewolf I am I transform and active my star sapphire ring and am even more powerful alas lycanthropy has spread and mutated more than any other virus/curse save for vampirism

Allan Meyer

Art: As always, sex, humor, and pathos all on one page. And history with Alex, yes please. Story: almost made me tear up a little - I'm one of those dark and broody type of Scorpios so there's a lot about Nik to identify with. Substitute Lycanthropy for my temper and....


Poor Nik! If only he didn't hate that part of himself so much, maybe it wouldn't be so painful...

Hayden Hayes

Lol why are werewolves with issues so goddamn sexy??


Yaaaaassss for both the story and the illustrations 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 Thanks guys 😘😘😘😘


Oh no he's hot


I have a question ... Does he have a knot ?