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Yay! I made it and I'm only 19 minutes behind schedule! Very happy with my special effects here though!

To celebrate: uncensored for everyone!

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Adam Lunter

They’re great! Love seeing Finn in mid transformation. That’s all kinds of awesome! But it looks like it’s not Nik who’s in danger of being careless with Finn’s secret… 😨


Oh no I hate that asshole but glad they saved the innocent! ❤️

Tom W

That panel of Cheri and Finn transforming back is so beautiful! With yhe flowing hair and the petals flying away! I love it! Also I hope Roman doesn't use this knowledge to his advantage 😭

Hayden Hayes

Oh no! Identity revealed! Lol that could be interesting. And what’s 19 minutes?


I ❤️ Finn 🙈


Thank yoooou! I'm glad the Ero Lovely episodes give me the chance to do some pretty stuff too! And let's be honest, he would be hella dumb NOT to use that knowledge to his advantage 👀

Anthony Jackson

💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 the power of love always wins 🤩🤩

Night Haunter

Oh my! This gots me already excited for a future Ero episode!

Allan Meyer

Love it all. Must cuddle and protect Finn and Cheri… and the Eroverse is not done with you yet, Nik!!

Tom W

I mean if we're lucky Roman's just pretty not pretty and smart!


I appreciate you work . This is a hard project. You balance sex and story pretty well . The art is nice and we get quickly comfortable with the characters.


Nik and Finn 🥰🥰🥰 finally someone is realizing how much they care for Finn 😍