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On my birthday, one amazing member of our community wrote a delightful short story as a gift for me. As the story involves Finn's birthday, I decided (with his blessing) to share it with you all on the day. So happy birthday to my big ginger himbo 🎉 and hopefully, we get to celebrate many more all together. 

Thank you all for your love and support! Finn and I are very grateful for all of you. And of course, a big thank you again to Adam for this amazing birthday surprise! 💖 I hope you like the art your story inspired!


by Adam Lunter 

“We’re having a birthday party… today is a special one…” — The Rock-afire Explosion
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and all of you wonderful non-binary people who  refuse to play by the rules!” Karim called to the crowd. “As you may or may not know, it’s a  special night tonight at Cabaret Bara! One of our most beloved hosts has completed another trip around the sun and quite obviously his feet are tired! But before he can relax and put those  sore little tootsies of his up on the shoulders of one of you strapping young gents back there in  our private booths, let’s bring him out here to tell him just how lucky he is to have lived this long! Let’s give it up for our resident redhead and tonight’s birthday boy… Finn!”
Blushing and grinning, Finn stepped to the center of the stage and waved to the cheering  crowd of patrons. Behind the bar, Diego and Ben were clapping over their heads. Pavel looked  over his shoulder from his station at the front door and smiled tightly.
Karim slipped his arm around Finn’s waist and hugged him to his hip as he continued  to address the crowd. “Yes, Finn, we are happy to be celebrating your birthday here tonight at  Cabaret Bara, but not happy enough to give you the night off, right Leon?”
A chuckle came up from the crowd. From the DJ booth where he was observing all,  Leon nodded and mouthed the words damn right. Sean, who was standing next to him,  chuckled.
“You wanna tell us how old you are, sweetheart?”
Finn grabbed the back of his neck and thought he couldn’t possibly blush any harder.  “Twenty six,” he said, leaning closer to the wireless mike that Karim was wearing on his head. “Hear that folks? He’s celebrating his twenty-sixth birthday again!”
Another ripple of laughter broke through the crowd. Finn covered his face and laughed.  “Oh wait… are you trying to tell us this is the first time you’ve turned twenty six?”  Karim asked.
“It is the first time,” Finn chuckled.
“Oh please!” Karim said as he turned Finn around so that his exposed butt was on  display for the audience. “Now really, people… just look at that ass! This is clearly a slab of  meat that has been tenderized more than twenty six times, don’t you agree?”
More laughter and another cheer rose from the crowd. Karim gave Finn’s ass a couple of  gentle taps, and Finn looked over his shoulder with a tongue-in-cheek grin and nodded with his  hand turned up.
‘Yes, all you dirty birdies, we can agree that it’s a fine set of cakes,” Karim continued,  turning Finn back around to face the crowd. “So fine, in fact, that we modeled your birthday  cake after it! Gentlemen, bring that disgustingly sweet thing out here, will ya?”
Firouz, Henry, Liam, and Markus came out to the stage carrying a large cake that was,  sure enough, shaped like a butt with the cheeks spread. The hole and the taint were on display,  and a set of cock and balls dangled below it. Written in purple icing on the cheeks was “HAPPY  B-DAY! LUV U A HOLE LOT!” A howl of laughter and a smatter of applause rose from the  audience as they set the cake on a small table nearby. Finn buried his face in his hands again  and doubled over, laughing. In the audience, some people started to sing “Happy Birthday.”
“People! People!” Karim cried, waving his hands over his head to stop them. “We’re not  quite there yet! Please hold your singing and merrymaking for just a moment longer! Tradition,  as you know, must be observed!”
Finn, who had never celebrated his birthday at Cabaret Bara before or seen any of the  other staff members do it, looked up, confused. “Tradition?”
“Oh that’s right!” Karim said, pretending to have just remembered something  important. “Yes, folks, it is Finn’s first time to celebrate his birthday with us, his loving but  sexually irrepressible family here at Cabaret Bara! And as we all know, both kin and company,  when it’s the first time you celebrate your birthday here amongst us deviants…” Karim now  turned to Finn, his hands clasped together and a big toothy grin on his face. “… we get to  creampie your ass right here in front of everyone!”
Finn could almost feel his eyes bug out of his head. He looked up at his older brother in  the DJ booth who was now cheering at the top of his lungs and pumping both fists in the air.  At the front door, teeth had appeared in Pavel’s grin and he began to applaud. From the other  side of the stage came Alek, Darryl, and Nik — the biggest guys at the club —who were clearly  moving fast and with purpose.
“Oh, what are you gonna…” was all Finn managed to get out before they pounced on  him. Darryl and Alek wrapped themselves over his shoulders and each hooked one leg around  his. Before they got him, though, Finn had enough time to see Karim hand Nik a very large  coconut cream pie on a paper plate. It looked like it had more whipped cream topping than  anything else.
“Now Nik, since Little Red Riding Cock here is your protégé, I believe it is you who gets to do the honors,” he purred, handing the pie to Nik with a small curtsey.
“Oh no!” Finn cried, struggling against Alek and Darryl. “No no no!”
“Oh yes,” Nik said, smiling devilishly as he took the pie from Karim, then pointed his  finger at the floor and drew an imaginary circle. Alek and Darryl swung him around so that his  back was facing Nik. The guys who had brought in the cake left their station and moved into  position around Darryl and Alek. Henry and Markus, each dropped to a knee and anchored  Finn’s feet to the ground.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” Finn cried.
“When have you known us to kid?” Darryl asked, his smile looking almost exactly like  Nik’s.
“Give it to him, Nik!” shouted Alek.
“Okay everyone!” Karim said to the crowd. “Ready?”
The crowd cheered as Finn struggled uselessly against his human restraints. He saw a  few flashes as people took pictures from their cell phones. He was laughing but wholly  embarrassed at the same time.
“And a-one, a- two, a one-two-three-four!” Karim said, counting off the crowd.  Everyone in the bar, customers and employees alike, began to sing “Happy Birthday”  led by Karim who was doing his best impersonation of Marilyn Monroe’s breathy version of the  song over their voices. Nik was shrugging and rolling his head around on his shoulders like a  baseball player getting ready to make a game-winning pitch.
Happy biiiiiiiiirthdaaaaaay… Mith-ter Finn-e-gan…
“Aww hell!” Finn groaned as he braced himself for it.
Happy biiiiiiiiirthdaaaaaay…
Nik took one skipping hurdle forward and then slammed the pie against Finn’s ass in an  explosion of whipped cream and coconut filling. The crowd’s cheer was deafening. Finn could  only cry out and laugh at the same time as the mess splattered against his butt.
To yoooooou!” Karim finished, remaining Marilyn right up until the very end.  Alek and Darryl kept him restrained while at his feet, Markus and Henry took a lick of  the whipped cream on Finn’s butt. Then Firouz and Liam knelt down and took a lick. Finn,  now a sticky mess from the waist down, could only laugh helplessly.
Rolling his hips, Karim strode over to Finn, collected a fingerful of whipped cream from  Finn’s ass and licked it off his finger, making an exaggerated yummy sound. “Mmmmm  mmmmm,” he said, “I just love it when a sexy man creams on another sexy man’s ass! Go get  some, you gorgeous Greek statue!”
A roar came from the crowd as Nik darted over to Finn, licked him slowly up the back of  one leg, and then took a big bite of the topping on Finn’s ass. Even through the cream, Finn could feel the whiskers of Nik’s beard and couldn’t help a small shuddery sigh which he tried  to cover up with a laugh.
Alek and Darryl eventually let him go, but made sure to get a lick of coconut cream off  Finn’s ass themselves. As he turned around he could see Nik, still with a beard full of whipped  cream, snickering as he collected some of it from his whiskers with his thumb. Behind the bar,  Ben and Diego were screaming with laughter and holding each other. At the door, Pavel was  looking over his shoulder and laughing as he returned his attention to his duty. In the DJ booth,  Leon and Sean were applauding. The audience was on its feet cheering.
“Folks,” Karim said to the patrons, extending his hand to the cake on his left, “you are  all welcome to have a nice piece of ass which we’ll be serving over at the bar! And if you want  to get a lick of cream off of the real one here, the cost is five dollars per person with the proceeds  going to the charity of Finn’s choice!”
“They all get to… lick my ass for charity?”
“Think of those less fortunate than you while they do it, Pup,” Nik said, dabbing a small  glob of coconut cream on the end of Finn’s nose.
“Oh, GAWD!” Finn moaned.
Nik guffawed and tousled Finn’s hair before giving him a hug and a kiss.  “And once more, let’s hear it for our birthday boy, Finn!” Karim said to the audience. He  came over and gave Finn a kiss on the cheek. “We love you, Finn! Happy birthday!” Finn, now resigned to his fate, gave Karim a kiss back and then waved his hand at the  audience who was still giving him a standing ovation.
— inspired by and dedicated to @finn.cabarebara on Instagram —
Happy Birthday Ollie!
© 2022, Adam Lunter

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Adam Lunter

Oh it looks great! The comic is awesome! And thank you for publishing this story too! Im so happy you liked it and that I can make a contribution to the work of one of my favorite artists! And Finn, that’s what you get for being born on π day!


I don't like it, I LOVE it! And thank you again, I feel very lucky to count you as a member of the Cabaret Bara community! 💕

Hayden Hayes

Love it! Lol very horny and somehow also being a tease 😝


What a great birthday party!!! Nice story!! 🍑

Allan Meyer

WHOLEsome and horny. Many Happy Returns. Also good cinematic writing.

Tom W

I love it! This is amazing! Such a fun story and great art as per usual! I love Alek's hair in the braid like that!

Zachary Morris

I loved this comic it was so fucking hot! And the story was so amazing as well!! Amazing job done by Ollie and Adam!!

B@z Ypsilon

ufff :-P happy b-day :)


Happy belated birthday, Finn.❤😉