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Hey guys, I was just in a car accident. Nobody was hurt thankfully, but it might push back today's post some more. I'll finish it as soon as I stop shaking lol.

(Might delete this once I post the next panel)



Dan Chapman-Harris

Go relax, have some chocolate and hug your friends and loved ones!x

Michael D

Hope you are okay! Take your time ❤️❤️❤️


Oh, man! Happy you’re okay. Try to relax we’ll still be here when you’re back! Xoxo


Oh no!! So glad you are not hurt. Please take care of yourself and don’t worry about us! ❤️💜❤️


It can wait. Self-care is more important. Take all the time you need . Good vibes heading your way

Tom W

Shit! I hope everything is okay! Please don't rush back into work and take some time to process!

David Medina

I'm glad nothing happened to you ❤️


Hopefully, getting back into work will help me get my mind off it. It's just replaying in my head over and over rn


Glad to hear that you're okay, please take care of yourself in the meantime and rest well.


the panel can wait...you need to be okay...much more important...


Oh no I’m so sorry to hear, glad you guys aren’t hurt. Take what time you need to recover. We’ll be here when you get ready!

Ken LaGreve

Wow, I'm so glad you're not hurt! Don't worry about the art, man, just rest and make sure you're okay! Sometimes things show up after an accident even though you think you're okay. Take all the time you need!


Sending you healing vibes 🥰🤗


That isn’t good news, make sure you rest. Shock is an injury as well


I’m so glad you are okay! ❤️❤️❤️ You take all the time you need!! Your self comes first!!! ❤️ Do what ever feels right for you! It could help get your mind off of it. We will still be here for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️🫂


I'm glad you're fine. Take your time.