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He's too quiet, I'm nervous...

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That's my Hubby 😌😌✌🏻

Night Haunter

Dementors could never!


I'm looking forward to discover who he is. :3

Tom W

You weren't lying when you said out of left field haha, definitely did not see this one coming! But it's nice to see more from characters we haven't seen much of yet!

Deme celaya

Is it Christmas yet to come or yet to cum? Cause I failed the assignment after realizing it is Pavel


Haha well, it had to be someone Finn's unfamiliar with yet since it's the future 😉


LMAO! It's okay, you can always try again... and again and again 💁‍♂️

Tom W

Well let's hope Finn gets a little more familiar with Pavel, who knows maybe Pavel isn't as straight as we think haha

Deme celaya

Yes please as many time as it takes… gotta build up resistance