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So here's a short story that was written by the very talented and very skilled Montréal Merman. As a collaboration, I have created some artwork inspired by his scene. We do hope you enjoy it and please, let me know if you'd like more of these because we really enjoyed working together! ❤
(side note: I have also received fanfic for the Cabaret Bara boys and if you guys like this, I very well might illustrate these as well)


And the crowd went wild as another night came to a close at Cabaret Bara. The staff were snatching up empty bottles and the bartender was closing everyone’s tabs. Nobody noticed of course, as the lights were pointing to the talent on stage and confetti floated from the air as the three gentlemen on bowed… all donning top hats, waistcoats, and white-tipped black canes and little else. The crowd cheered as the red head took the mic and thanked the lighting technician, the barmaid and the patrons for coming out tonight despite the bad weather.

Speaking of red head, the most remarkable thing anyone might notice about the trio was their shockingly contrasting hair colour. Auburn in the center, beaming with charisma and a smile from ear to ear. A turquoise hair-do stood to the left, panting, and clearly spent from the number he just performed as the sweat glistened off his smooth face in the spotlight, as did his piercings. A puff of jet-black hair came off the head of the shortest fellow on the very right-side of the stage. He exuded such gratitude, obvious by the depth of his bows to the audience, this move just accentuated his rippling abs and pecs when he stood back up again.

“Thank you again! Merci à vous tous et bonne soirée!”

And the crowd clapped and roared.

The backstage changing room always smelled of Coca-Cola and high-class cologne. When the boys barged in, Benjamin flopped stomach first on the sofa, his whole body splayed on the velvet as his left leg kicked off the ground by itself to rest awkwardly bent off the seat. 

Liam somehow still had energy. “Get it off, get it off, get it off!” He muttered to himself under his breath, he hung up his hat and cane and then swiftly stripped off the waist coat and accompanying bowtie. He let out a satisfied breath of relief before chuckling at the sight of Benjamin and sitting down on one of the chairs in front of the wall-length mirror, turning it slightly to face Ben.

Finn walked in huffing and puffing and wiping his sweat from his forehead off with his forearm. He was still beaming though, as if he’d just placed in a marathon. 

“Fuck yea boys! We did it!” He fist-pumped in the air before playfully punching Liam in the shoulder.

“Crisis averted I guess.” Liam said smiling up at Finn. Some groggy muffled sounds came from the couch. 

“Come again?” Finn said, as he smacked Benjamin’s ass through his tight briefs and Ben instinctively knew to bend his knees so that Finn could sit.

“You both owe me big time.” Benjamin mumbled.

“Not like it’s your job…” Liam offered, knowing what was coming next. Benjamin pushed up on the couch and twisted around to glare at the fit and flexible man.

“I wasn’t booked for tonight!” Ben protested rather loudly.

Liam raised his hands in surrender and Finn let one of his heavy hands run up Ben’s back and he gave the back of his neck a firm squeeze.

“We know B, and we’re so happy you bailed us out last minute by covering for Leon.” Benjamin immediately cooled, his breath returning to him as he blinked once or twice before looking back to Finn.

“Bitch better be fucking dying for me to be here on my day off.”

Liam scoffed from his seat in the corner of the room as he rubbed his bicep and let his head fall back and eyes roll in mock exasperation. “He’s puking his guts out right now I’m sure.”

“Hey,” Finn pipped up “if it’s food poisoning, why aren’t you sick?”

Liam slowly pulled his head back up to look at Finn the same way you look at a dog who’s found a toy but hasn’t learned how to play with it yet. “Because I stayed away from the fish and the squid for dinner. I kept to the vegetarian sushi.”

At this point, Benjamin stood up and started to disrobe just as Liam had. He had a confused look on his face. “Didn’t know you were veggie.”

“I’m not.” Liam answered, standing up to take his last article of clothing off, clearly getting ready to change into his civilian wear. “I just didn’t want fish for dinner, just the sushi. That’s why it’s called the most adaptable cuisine on earth.”

“It is?” Finn exclaimed. Both Benjamin and Liam looked at Finn and then each other. Liam shook his head, but Finn caught the smirk he threw his way before moving towards his locker.

“No…” Sighed Ben. With a tug and a snap, he was nude too now. 

Finn felt himself flush slightly. He suddenly clapped his hands and spread his arms wide as he hollered.

“Hold up a sec guys! We lost sight on what an awesome show we just did. Where are the props for that?”

The guys all exchanged glances and smiles. There was a moment, imperceptible to most, where each boy nodded in sync with the nods of the other. A silent, perhaps unconscious way to express profound gratitude. The showmanship was outstanding, and the talented performances truly a joy to witness on stage. Each guy feels a small, renewed vigour hatch inside each of them, even Ben. This really is the best job in the world.

“Let’s celebrate!” Finn raises his arms in the air.

Benjamin’s gaze is downward, and he smirks slyly. “Looks like you’re way ahead of us, Red.”

Finn looks befuddled before noticing that, though he’s the only one still dressed, his erection is pressed up so tightly against the fabric of his “tuxedo briefs” that he’s clearly about to burst out of them.

“Jesus!” More out of surprise than anything else, Finn brings his arms down and actually makes a haphazard attempt to cover himself.

Benjamin climbs over a chair to stand toe to toe with Finn. He grips his erection through the tight fabric and smiles devilishly. Finn looks flushed, but is also excited at the prospective turn of events.

“Nuh uh uh… I thought you wanted to celebrate. Besides, I deserve a treat for being here at all.” Benjamin slowly sinks to his knees.

“The tips aren’t enough?” Liam says coyly, approaching the other two gents, leaving his locker open as he reaches down to pinch the base of his growing cock.

Benjamin doesn’t answer, he coats his lips with a thin layer of saliva before pressing his lips on the pulsing ginger cockhead in front his face. Pressing all around, he pushes his lips on all sides and moves his head down, tasting the king cock for the fourth or fifth time—if memory serves. Finn bites his lower lip, and as Liam gets closer, he reaches for him and brings the man in for a bear hug while also smashing his lips onto his. Liam doesn’t protest, and passionately returns the kiss. A good show deserves a good post-show celebration indeed.

Finn grips onto Liam harder as Benjamin picks up the pace, slobbering his piercings and his wet mouth all the way down to the base of his ginger cock. Finn feels a shudder run up his spine and Liam takes advantage to worm out of his grip and push Finn down on the couch. Benjamin, the vegan, is left without any meat in his mouth, but his eyes remain transfixed on that dick and he smiles as he sees what position Finn finds himself in.

Benjamin moves to stand with his back facing Finn, craning his neck so he can look where he’s aiming as he bends his knees. Finn grins as he guides Ben’s ass with one hand on his waist and the other on the base of his cock and aiming it towards Ben’s familiar hole. Just as his head meets Ben’s opening, Finn feels a firm grip on his chin as he’s forced to look to his left… and a thick piece of man meat wags inches from his face. Liam kneels on the couch just next to Finn and keeps his grip on the back of his head as he forces Finn’s lips onto his manhood. Finn parts his mouth just as he can feel Benjamin’s hole part and envelope his tool.

Finn moans are muffled against the thick cock filling his mouth, and Liam is pressing the back of his head and thrusts into his skull. Liam’s cock has always been one of the best tasting, paired with the aroma of man sex and sweat filling the room. Finn works up the wherewithal to hook his thumbs into Ben’s back dimples and pull his dick up into the sexy beast repeatedly. Liam gasps and Benjamin lets out a high-pitched yelp before groaning and moaning in lower tones. 

Benjamin works the ginger cock the best way he knows how. He plants his feet to the ground and sits his ass all the way down and quakes as he does so as he howls loudly. Finn’s eyes smash closed from the pleasure, but Liam keeps his dick in his moist mouth as he lifts his free hand to play with his own nipples. He begins bucking in the ginger’s mouth and lets out a series of loud pants before shoving his dick deep in Finn’s mouth and busting his seed and filling up those freckled cheeks.

Finally, Liam retracts his dick and sits down on the couch lazily, and Finn turns his full focus on the brat bouncing on his giant cock. Finn spits the contents of his mouth between Ben’s ass cheeks and his own cock. Still warm.

As Ben feels the warmth, he grips his own cock in his hand and begins pumping because he knows what’s coming now. He feels both of Finn’s hands grip his shoulders tight as he then leans back and ploughs Ben’s ass to its deepest depths. Finn grunts and growls while Ben pants and moans loudly.

“Fucking Fuck!” Ben screams. “You wanted to celebrate eh?”

“Fuck yea I did!” Finn smacks himself up into Ben’s ass cheeks and then begins to breathe through pursed lips.

“Don’t hold…” Ben says before Finn can speak. “I’m so close.”

Finn smiles and obliges, speeding up his thrusts as fast as he can. The sounds emanating throughout the now empty establishment. Benjamin shoots first, and Finn erupts into his ass chasm seconds later. Benjamin’s jizz hits the mirror on the other side of the room.

Once they catch their breath, Benjamin gives Finn a kiss before leaning over to give Liam one as well. He pries himself off of Finn to rest next to him on the couch. Once again, turquoise on the left, ginger in the middle and jet-black on the right.

“You’re thicker than I remember.” Finn said, drunkenly looking to Liam and smiling. He smiles back. “You still don’t fuck without him huh?” The question just kind of falls out of his mouth and Liam shrugs and smiles knowingly.


“Is that weird?” Finn looks back to Benjamin, who’s stretching and looks like a panther on the arm of the couch. King of the changing room; satisfied and without a care in the world.

“It is.”

“I don’t care if it is. It’s our thing.” Liam shrugs. Finn looks at him again and shrugs. Nothing much to argue with.

“Thanks again boys.” Finn says. “Just the kind of celebration I was hoping for.”

Benjamin and Liam nod, not so much as a way of saying “you’re welcome,” but more of a “thanks to you too.”
