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Hi everyone!

I hope you guys are enjoying what's left of summer, it goes by quicker than you'd think.

Lately, a lot of "challenges" have been sent my way and I'm trying my best to resolve everything, but as you know, I'm a one-man-band so it does impact my production (and my health) a bit.

So I wanna give a HUUUUGE thank you to everyone who understands and is patient with me, it means a lot to know I can count on my community to show me the grace I don't always allow myself. πŸ’• Thank you.

πŸ’Œ VIP rewards are (almost) out πŸ’Œ

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the July VIP rewards are shipping out tomorrow morning. As always, thank you for your patience.

VIPs should receive them in the next week or so depending on their local postal service delays.

For those of you who are having trouble keeping track of the VIP selection posts, I usually send you guys reminders in the VIP chat with the Patreon chat function. So if you do need the reminders, I would encourage you to activate it in your Patreon app.

πŸ’£ The Big Etsy Purge πŸ˜±

As you may know already, Etsy has made their adult content policy stricter and is currently removing ALL of the NSFW content from its platform.

Several of my items have already been taken down and I've been warned that I need to make my Etsy store up to code or I might get banned.

Because of that, this weekend, I will take down all my listings that include NSFW content and will revamp the whole store to be compliant. I'll be going for "sexy, but not NSFW".

I am currently looking into options to allow my community to order the spicy variants of my prints discreetly without it being a problem on the platform so I'll get back to you on that.

In the meantime, you have until this weekend to order anything NSFW you wanted before I take it down.

You can visit the store here.

🎡 Patreon Plan B πŸŒˆ

Following all the Patreon bans happening for NSFW artists, I have decided to create a SubscribeStar account as a contingency plan. I DO NOT PLAN TO CLOSE MY PATREON ACCOUNT so please don't be alarmed. I just want to be on the safe side and have somewhere to go if I'm suddenly banned from here without warning like some of my colleagues have been.

My intention is to eventually run both sites in parallel and let my supporters choose which one they wanna support Cabaret Bara with. This might even be useful to some of you who have mentioned not loving Patreon as a platform (yes, I'm listening).

My Star page is empty right now so please DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO IT just yet. But I do encourage you to bookmark it so that you know where to find me if you log on someday and my Patreon page has disappeared.

You can find the page here.

πŸ’– The Cabaret Bara Wiki πŸ’•

With the help of our lovely Discord Admin, Tom, and inspiration from the also lovely Shakam, I've decided to open a Cabaret Bara wiki.

I'll be honest, I didn't realize how much info there was about Cabaret Bara that might be intimidating for newcomers so hopefully, this wiki will help everyone in the long run.

Tom and I have already worked on a few pages, but all members of the community can contribute to it.

You can check it out here!

πŸ™†β€β™‚οΈ How's Ollie? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I've been running around extinguishing fires a lot lately so it's been hard to keep the content coming out as often as I'd like and it's frustrating because all the work I do behind the scenes to just "not disappear" does not equal more art posted so it feels like I'm just taking my sweet time creating stuff and I swear I'm not! 😭

On the bright side of things, I'll be taking the weekend off because my husband and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary this month. Big milestone, isn't it? We were hoping to go somewhere nice, but our dog sitter had to cancel so it turns out we'll be partying at home like the true nerds we are. We intend to make the most of it though and I'm looking forward to it!

Anyway, back to work. Now that the fires are (mostly) extinguished, I'm craving a mini art series, something I could easily share outside of Patreon without spoiling stuff.
β€’ I'm thinking maybe a CB Cosplay series?
β€’ Or maybe a My Bara Boyfriend collection?
β€’ Or perhaps I could finally create art for the elusive Cabaret Bara Calendar.
β€’ Or perhaps you'd just like a bunch of new Tarot cards?
Which one would you prefer? Tell me in the comments cause I don't wanna make a poll and spam you guys.

One more time, I wanna thank you all for your support. You guys allow me to keep Cabaret Bara going and I'm so grateful for that. Also, a big thank you for all the kind words about Episode 10! I think I've come a long way in my writing and artwork, and it's all thanks to you allowing me to keep creating and improving.

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I would love to see a Calendar and thank you for the updates!

Christian V

I would love a calendar and I’m sorry you are going though so much trouble just to share your art. I really with I could be more of a help for you. But for now I’ll continue supporting you. Thank you for everything you do 🩷🩷🩷


Thanks! I think that a calendar is a must-do at some point. I guess now isn't quite the time for it judging by the feedback, but still, I'm excited to make one when I have the time. EDIT: Nevermind, I just tallied the votes from the comments and surprisingly, the calendar is the most popular option lolll! I think I'll make a poll to get insight from everyone just in case.


Thank YOU for always supporting me and helping keep CB alive. I could literally not do any of this without people like you who sincerely support the projects I take on. You guys are the ones who allow me to make art and make it the best that I can. So thank you. πŸ’•