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Hi everyone! Happy pride month!

This year, I'm trying to focus on the many pots and pans already on the stovetop so I hope you'll forgive me for not making a HUGE art series for rainbow month.

💌 VIP rewards are (almost) out 💌

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the May VIP rewards are shipping out tomorrow morning. As always, thank you for your patience.

VIPs should receive them in the next week or so depending on their local postal service delays.

And for those of you who ordered the new scented prints, please let me know what you think of them. I've been developing this idea for a while now and I would love some feedback (if it's not too much trouble of course) thank you!

🧹 A bit of (late) spring cleaning 🧼

After consulting you guys in Patreon chat, it would seem that most of you prefer the "Collection" feature over the hyperlink posts.

And I agree.

So, in the next few weeks, I will be starting to transfer pretty much every episode, side story, and art series to the "Collections" tab and I will be reworking the master post to include links to the collections.

I will not be removing the "< Previous page - Next page >" links from the comic pages as I think these still help a lot in navigation.

I will also be discontinuing the characters' profiles because a new ongoing art series will replace them. This will also be a good opportunity for me to adjust some details to keep everything in line with the comic. I will also remove them from the online store since they'll be replace so if you wanna get the old profile prints, it's now or never.

🔥 Episode 10 - A Father's Heart 💙

Episode 10 is finally starting! You can see the cover art already here.

I think this one might hit a little hard for some people so I'm sorry in advance if it stirs difficult emotions for you guys, but I promise there's a lot of positive stuff in there too.

This episode will be a bit lighter on smut and kink to make more room for drama and growth, but I'll make sure to keep the FanService coming alongside it to keep everyone's thirst quenched.

If you haven't yet, I do strongly recommend catching up on the "Daddy Issues" series to prepare for "A Father's Heart". It's not obligatory homework of course, but I do think it will add to your enjoyment of the episode.

You can find the Daddy Issues series here: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

💕 My Bara Boyfriend™ 💕

🎵 My Bara Boyfriend, my Bara Boyfriend, you'll always be in my heeeeart! 🎶

Cabaret Bara and L♡VERBOI are proud to present the latest technology in the field of boy toys and trophy boys: My Bara Boyfriend™.

Choose from the largest collection of boy toys in the known universe, find the plaything of your dreams or - even better - collect them all!

Each My Bara Boyfriend™ boy toy comes with his own accessories and a variety of styles from stylish, to sexy, to naughty! And each of these beautifully crafted men comes with a signature fragrance to truly give you the best of multisensory stimulation.

The line is just starting but several collections are already underway, including special limited editions like our most recent PRIDE 2024 EDITION.

Do not waste any time an get yourself your very own Bara Boyfriend™ today!

🎵 My Bara Boyfriend, my Bara Boyfriend, you'll always be in my heeeeart! 🎶

The Tarot Project 🔮

You may have noticed that I am not releasing a new card every week anymore. I just wanna address the situation for transparency.

Although I'm enjoying working on this project greatly, I've decided to slow down the pace so I can check other - more time-sensitive - things off my to-do list. This is not a hiatus, I will still be creating cards, but not as regularly as before. It will be a bit more like the FanService post where "I make one when I can" type of deal.

I plan on going back to a regular schedule once my to-do list clears up a little.

🙆‍♂️ How's Ollie? 🤷‍♂️

Honestly, I'm alright! Things have moved forward - not always as fast as I would've wanted, but still - and I'm working hard as always, but I do still love my job so that's great.

And in this (weirdly not dramatic) episode of "Ollie's Cursed House"...

FINALLY! The the foundation repairs are DONE! The balcony and stairs that had to be destroyed are now also rebuilt so our house feels inhabited again.

I am flat broke, but at least now we can breathe a little sigh of relief with the assurance that we won't get flooded again. Big win for my (and my husband's) mental health! 🎉 Next step: fixing the roof. We're going into solid debt for this house so I sure hope it'll turn out nice once we're done with it.

So once again, I wanna take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. Without you guys, I wouldn't be able to keep doing Cabaret Bara and I'm immensely grateful for that. A thousand times thank you!

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Christian V

First off thank you!!!! Thank you thank you thank you and thank you !!! You have been absolutely amazing keeping up with updates accommodating your followers equally and making sure we have content. Also you are already the most organized creator I know so the fact you are trying to improve is just amazing!!! Thank you Secondly I love that you are being honest and open with us. A lot of people just ghost or post when they can without any updates but you give us a space at your dinning table and tell us what’s going on in your head, home, and life. You don’t have to but you do which is why I’m happy to support you because I know you give us so much and more. Third I’m excited for all of the projects you are focusing and even the ones that are on the back burner. You have so many ideas and we have so much more to offer as suggestions. We have all gone through a a crazy times with the D&D story, daddy issues, and the tarot cards. And not to mention with the tablet issues, patreon changes as well as some works that have been here since you started so a lot is going on. I’m thankful you are not giving up on them but just like a show you are focusing on one story line at a time and then others will pop up like fillers! Im so Excited to see any and all work that you give us. I will be here waiting and buying my prints and posters because you work is just something I need in my life. People take care of yourself and don’t forget we are here for you too not just your work. I’m glad the home is finically feeling like a home. Thank you again Ollie for everything you do for us.


Aaaaah I'm gonna get emotional! Thank you so much for this message, it was so heart-warming to read. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to receive so much support and I promise I will always do my best to justify all of those like you who have faith in me and Cabaret Bara. There are SO MANY more stories I want to tell and projects I want to do. I'm learning to prioritize and organize more so that I can get as much as I can done as quickly as I can. But there are still days when I feel like a one-man band trying to be an orchestra when I look at the mountain of work I have ahead of me. Thanks to people like you, I can find the strength to keep climbing that mountain despite the obstacles. So again, thank you for supporting me, but also for encouraging me to keep going. It makes a big difference for me.


Thanks for the update. I am glad that everything is moving positively on your end.


Thank you for the support! I hope things keep going that way. Wanna climb out of that hole at last. 🤣