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Heeeeey the Style Challenge is back on tracks! I know, I know, it's been a while, but I did promise I'd finish it once I'd have more time.

And what better artist to kick this project back into motion than our beloved Shakam? Now I'll admit that this one was relatively easy since I already know exactly what Finn looks like in Shakam's style (see The Red Menace Part 1 and The Red Menace Epilogue) but it still was a welcome challenge to try his style. The looser linework was a good exercise too and made me realize I sometimes get pretty stiff when I draw (no pun intended 😛)

Anyway, if you have not yet discovered the sexy world of Eli McKaber, I encourage you to do so ASAP! You'll get to enjoy horny art, animation, and beautifully written comedy and drama as well.

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