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You know when I said that the last chapters would be shorter? Well, I lied. 🙃

Chapter 12 - Boxers & Jockstrap the Incubi

Kokkino wakes up to the gentle glow of Oren’s healing spell and as the promise of death dissipates from his bloodied forehead, his eyes meet his savior’s. The blur of unconsciousness quickly fades away and the barbarian is welcomed back to the land of the living by the Firbolg’s comforting smile.

“Please stay still and take a moment to recuperate” the druid says in his soothing voice. “You almost died just now.”

Ignoring Oren’s advice, the minotaur attempts to push himself up only to realize that he’s been tied up.

“Why?” he grunts angrily as the druid backs away from him.

“Because you just attacked us, that’s why.” Azad replies without an ounce of empathy.

“And we are on a most important mission to rid King Sikandar’s family crypt of a monster that claimed it as its domain.” Corentin chimes in. “You would fit that description, mon loulou.”

Kokkino sneers at the remark, letting out a scornful grunt. Intimidated, Corentin recoils behind Azad.


NIK: Seriously, Diego? You’re trolling me at this point.

DIEGO: No, I swear! I’m just playing my character.

FIROUZ: You gotta convince us that you’re not the monster..

NIK: Ugh… But you guys know I’m human, there’s no point in convincing anyone.

JADE: Well, you’re not technically human.


JADE:.Chill, that wasn’t an insult, I just mean that you’re a minotaur.

NIK: Ah… Right.

FINN: Think of it that way, babe, it’s like those movies we watched with the French detective guy. The most obvious person isn’t always the culprit, but we don’t know that so you have to be our Heckle Turnip.

NIK: Do you mean Hercule Poirot?

FINN: Yeah! Like that, but without the funny mustache.

NIK: You know what? I can work with that.


With a sigh, the barbarian regains his composure for the first time since you’ve met him.

“I am also working for the king,” he explains, “and I did not intend to harm you, I was under a demon’s control.”

“And what tells us that you’re not under the demon’s control right now?” Hekate asks, hands on her hips.

“When I got knocked out, I must have shaken off the charm.” Kokkino theorizes. “But as far as evidence goes, I think my broken chains will have to suffice.” He pauses briefly before his eyes widen in sudden realization. “Actually, I came here with another adventurer, a human named Levi. I think he was captured too, but maybe he could corroborate.”

“You mean him?” Finnigan queries as he shows off the newly freed cum-covered man.

“I don’t think we’ll get much from him.” Azad comments.

“Is he…” Kokkino mumbles, his eyes wide with shock.

“He’s still alive” Oren reassures him “But my magic couldn’t wake him up… He was quite literally drained. He’ll definitely need rest.”

A metallic gleam flashes in the glow of the dancing lights, slashing across the minotaur’s restraints. Dagger still in hand, Azad takes a step back after freeing the captive.

“Are you sure he’s trustworthy?” Hekate asks.

“Not entirely.” The Genasi admits. “But his reaction seemed genuine. And if we’re really gonna fight another demon, we need all the help we can get… Especially if our theory is correct and we’re about to face a succubus.”

“Incubus…” the beast-man corrects. “Or rather… Incubi. There’s two of them.”

“Damn it!” exclaims Azad.

In an attempt to calm his companions’ worry, Oren gently offers a silver lining: “At least now that we know what we’re up against, we can prep-”

“Did you hear that bro?” echoes a voice from a dark corner of the gallery. “They’re talking about us.”

“It sure sounds like they’re eager to meet us.” a second, identical voice replies from the other side. “We shouldn’t keep them waiting.”

Suddenly, colorful sparks fly out of the walls and floor in a dazzling display of fireworks while music from an invisible band floods the room. Two dark metallic poles then magically sprout in the center of the improvised stage and a series of bright glowing orbs take over the lighting from Corentin’s spell.

With a flourish of swirling mist and more illusionary pyrotechnics, a raven haired demon materializes into the spotlight. His scarlet skin, clad in black leather harnesses and trunks, glistens in the magical glow as he propels himself to the center of the room with a graceful somersault. His exquisite body, framed by a pair of demonic wings, moves effortlessly to the energetic soundtrack, and his large bulge playfully bounces with every step of his lascivious dance.

A second fiend then appears from the opposite side of the chamber in a similar show of acrobatics. His hair, white as snow contrasts his twin’s, but his body is otherwise identical, sculpted in the same gymnast build and featuring the same full, appetizing buttocks, enhanced by a simple leather jockstrap.

As the incubi gyrate their hips and rub their prominent packages against the poles in an enticing stripper routine, they begin reciting a chant in unison: "O unfortunate souls lost in the darkness, O poor spirits driven by lust on the path to Hell. May these vestments of shadows, unbound by rousing desire, corrupt your heart with delicious temptation, shattering your sanctimonious purity and condemning you to the flames of Ass-modeus!”

Throughout the unholy prayer, the dark-haired demon takes off his trunks and in a cloud of infernal flames, they turn into a serpentine whip. Similarly, the white-haired demon takes off his jockstrap and transforms it into a large hellish scythe. They then pose tantalizingly, weapons at the ready, with their cockringed manhoods swinging freely before shouting: “BE DAMNED, MOTHERFUCKERS!", ending their performance in a shower of sparks.

Roll initiative!


JADE: Was that-

BEN: No, no. It was Trunks and Jockstrap, the demonic duo. My original characters. Do not steal.

NIK: I don’t get it.

FINN: I think it’s an anime reference.

NIK: I feel old all of a sudden.


“You infernal whores!” shouts Kokkino angrily. “I’ll send you back to Hell!”

“Then I hope you don’t mind if we take a little snack back with us.” replies Trunks with a sadistic smirk.

“I’m afraid your friend ran out of juice on us.” Jockstrap adds, mimicking his twin’s devilish grin.

Azad puts his hand on Kokkino’s hairy shoulder and whispers to him: “Since you’ve broken their charm before, you should be able to resist it now.” He pauses before addressing the whole party: “Be careful, their charm is akin to mind control, but they can each target only one of us at a time.”

“Aren’t you the informed one!” Jockstrap says with a scowl, his eyes glowing with magic.

With a swift flourish of his daggers, Azad darts forward to engage the white-haired demon, disrupting his enthralling magic in the process. A cocky smile spreads on his face as he adds: “And I’m quick too.”

With little magic left from all the healing he performed, Oren still manages to conjure a pack of spectral wolves to harry Jockstrap and provide support to Azad.

Meanwhile, Finnigan dashes towards Trunks, closing the distance between them in a few strides, and slashing the dark-haired fiend with his silver sword to little effect.


FINN: How come? When we created my character, Diego said to take a silver sword because it works against demons.

BEN: Not all of them.

DIEGO: Riiight, it doesn’t work on all of them… And that’s a stupid rule.

BEN: Hey, it’s not my rule.

JADE: But you’re the DM, you choose what rules to follow.

FINN: That’s right! You could bend the rules for my sword!

BEN: You have everything you need, you don’t need me to bend the rules.

DIEGO: Booo!

BEN: DMing really is a thankless job.


Jockstrap, caught off guard by the sudden assault, retaliates with a swing of his scythe against Azad, but quickly becomes overwhelmed by the conjured wolves.


FIROUZ: That’s great Markus! Good to see you can do more than heal Finn.

FINN: Hey!

MARKUS: I only have two spell slots left though…

FIROUZ: Mmmh… You’re our only healer so it’s on you to bring us back if we fall. Maybe you should hold on to those.

MARKUS: It’s okay, I can still shillelagh my way through the fight.


Kokkino, fueled by primal rage, charges headlong into the fray, his massive maul swinging wildly in the air with brutal force as he joins his allies in targeting Jockstrap. He however misses by-


NIK: Hold on, I made a reckless attack!

BEN: Oh! Someone learned his features! You’re right, you can roll again.

DIEGO: And it’s a CRIT! The crowd goes wild!

FIROUZ: Barb just entered his DPS era.

FINN: Good job, babe!

MARKUS: That’s awesome, Nik!

JADE: You do pay attention! Maybe I underestimated you.

NIK: Well, maybe your pink dice aren’t so bad after all.


Trunks, undeterred by Finnigan's onslaught, grabs him by the neck and leans forward, his luscious red lips almost kissing the ginger scruff on his cheek as he whispers: “You’re mine, stud.” The fiend’s bewitching murmur echoes in the fighter’s mind as if spoken to his very soul, making all the hair on his body stand straight with the shivers of first love. Possessed with a swarm of butterflies in his stomach and an instantaneous boner that threatens to pop his codpiece, the redhead moans a “Yes, master.” in reply.

“Good boy.” the demon purrs before instructing him to attack his allies.

His blade now pointed towards his companions, the fighter swiftly darts towards the druid, assaulting him with a whirlwind of silver slashes.

“Wait!” Oren cries, attempting to appeal to his ally in vain.

In a last surge of his dancing blade, the red-haired warrior finally takes the Firbolg down, breaking his summoning spell in the process.


FINN: I’m so sorry, Markus.

MARKUS: No, no, It’s okay. I know you don’t mean to.

DIEGO: How is it that you’re stronger when you’re an enemy?

BEN: For starters, he wasn’t using his “Action Surge”.

FINN: What’s that?

BEN: Oh… Finn…


On the other side of the gallery, the summoned wolves that overwhelmed Jockstrap suddenly disappear in a cloud of phantom fireflies, freeing enough of the incubus’ attention to allow him another try at enthralling someone. His golden gaze find’s Hekate’s and with a few telepathic words, he charms her into the same trance-like state as Finnigan.

“Kill them.” the white-haired demon orders.

Under his control, the witch begins reciting a familiar incantation: “Principes inferi, te voco. Da mihi flammas tuas…”

“Spread out!” Corentin exclaims. “She’s casting a fireball spell.”

Without further ado, Azad disengages the white-haired demon and dodges away from his companions while the bard also puts some distance between them. Kokkino, his feet firmly planted in the ground, braces himself for impact, unaware of the extent of the Tiefling’s magic.

“Culum eorum crema in cinerem!”

In a flash of light, an explosion of golden flames quickly spreads by the barbarian, engulfing him in infernal fire, but narrowly missing the rogue.


BEN: How much damage is that, Jade?


BEN: Oh my…

NIK: How much?

JADE: I swear it’s not personal, man.

NIK: … How much?

JADE: That’s 44 points of fire damage.

MARKUS: Wow! Is it that much because of your draconic ancestry feature you mentioned earlier?

JADE: Oh… Right… I forgot to add that. That’s 49 points of fire damage.

NIK: Wow… Thanks, Markus.

BEN: The dice have once again spoken.


The odds severely stacked against them, the injured Kokkino and Azad try their best to fight off the demons and their enthralled allies, but they’re quickly backed up against the wall as Corentin tries his best to inspire them with his magical songs and stabilize the fallen druid at once. But after a few more swings of the fighter’s sword and a few blasts of the witch’s eldritch magic, the rogue and the barbarian both stand on the edge of defeat.

As the twins’ harmonized laughter echoes in the chamber, the bard realizes that his party’s only hope rests on his trembling shoulders. Fighting against his instinct, he steps forth, legs shaking, and speaks in an overly theatrical tone to disguise his fear:

“I am Corentin Archibald Milifiore Rimerick Arquevasque, actor, virtuoso, and adventurer extraordinaire. I am the much-admired, fey-blessed master of song, adept of the arcane art of illusion, and inexhaustible source of contagious joie-de-vivre. And on this most serendipitous moment, I will write my name on the pages of history!”

“Corentin! Don’t!” Azad cries out while dodging another eldritch blast.

“Did you hear that, bro?” Jockstrap utters with a smug grin.

“The weakling thinks he can defy us.” Trunks replies, unimpressed. “How quaint.”

“Maybe we could take care of him ourselves.” Jockstrap adds, his free hand playing along the length of his large dick.

“Perhaps that’s exactly what he wants.” Trunks concludes, mimicking his brother’s gesture.

Ignoring their dangerous advances, Corentin continues: “I had not intended to use this spell yet, but it seems like you leave me no choice.” He pauses for an instant, feeding into the carefully constructed dramatic tension. “It’s time for me to cast my wish spell.”


FINN: What? You had a wish spell!?

FIROUZ: No way.

DIEGO: Of course not.

BEN: Ooooh, I see where you’re going… Roll Deception.


“A wish spell!?” the white-haired demon exclaims in shock. “Well, it’s ours now!”

His eyes glow a fiery amber color as he attempts to charm Corentin, instantly breaking his magical connection to Hekate.

“Brother, wait!” Trunks shouts, realizing they’ve been duped.

Resisting the incubus’ charm thanks to his fey ancestry, the bard then flicks the strings of his lute, improvising a hurried but melodious tune to inspire the witch.

“You fucking demonic skank!” she shouts, her voice breaking with rage. “No one controls me!”

Waves of arcane energy crackle around her and pure anger radiates from her violet eyes as she adds “Never again!” before casting a barrage of eldritch projectiles at the fiend, breaking the laws of magic to multiply her attacks.

Pummeled by the unyielding shower of eldritch energy, the white-haired incubus quickly grows overwhelmed and expires in a burst of infernal flames.

“Nooo! Brother!” his twin screams in grief. “You!” He turns to Finnigan. “Kill her!”

Without a word, the fighter listens to his master’s command and attacks the witch, nearly bleeding her dry with a few swings of his blade, only to be blocked at the last moment by a pair of daggers.

“We’ll take him.” Azad says. “You two, take care of the Incubus.”

With a nod, Kokkino joins Corentin and the two of them focus their efforts on the demon.

“Let our friend go!” orders the bard in a desperate attempt to sound menacing. “Or you’ll meet the same fate as your partner.”

“I will not let ‘daddy’ or my brother down.” the incubus replies. “If I am to be defeated, I’ll bring at least one of you with me.”

With a quick flap of his wings, the demon jumps towards the unconscious druid on the ground - no doubt to finish him - only to be interrupted in his path by the strong grip of the barbarian on his tail, pulling him back to the ground.

In an effort to pin the fiend down, Kokkino quickly restrains his neck with his thighs, leaning forward on his body to immobilize his arms, not realizing that in doing so, he offers the lust demon access to the underside of his loincloth.

The monster’s forked tongue greedily licks his furry balls and before long, it finds its way up his sweaty taint to his quivering asshole.

“Argh! Damn it!” the barbarian moans as he feels the red lips of his foe meet his sensitive ring.

His agile tongue quickly finds the most tender spots of the warm flesh and the half-hearted protest soon becomes sincere moans of passion. Among the pleasures however, a different sensation shines through, a force sapping at the minotaur’s very soul.


FIROUZ: Wait… They can use “Draining Kiss” on your ass?

BEN: Why not? A kiss is a kiss.

FIROUZ: But… Just what are they draining?

JADE: Dude. You’re disgusting.


Eager to save his companion, Corentin conjures the Mage Dick once more and swiftly penetrates the incubus’ unguarded rear end. The shock interrupts his magic for a moment, but soon, the demon’s expert tongue dances against the barbarian’s hole again.

Kokkino’s large veiny rod, now at full mast thanks to the incubus venom, jumps and falls against the demon’s leather-bound chest, sometimes letting a squirt of precum escape in its twitching. Meanwhile, the bard gives another thrust of his enchanted schlong, staggering Trunks for a few seconds and offering a short respite to the weakened barbarian.

Kokkino pants, intoxicated and edged, his eyes glazed by lust as he looks over at the half-elf to warn him: “He’s gonna make me-”

“No!” Corentin interrupts. “You can’t give in now.”

He then punctuates his encouragement with another powerful thrust into the incubus’ ass, pulling a moan of pain and pleasure from the demon and making his scarlet member jump from the overwhelming sensation. Another thrust here, another flick of the tongue there, and before long, the battle approaches its climax when…


Trunks vanishes without a trace, leaving the bard and the barbarian panting on the ground. As they turn their attention to their surroundings, they see the unconscious fighter on the ground behind Azad who stands with Stein’s bell of banishment in his hand.


FIROUZ: Would’ve been cool if you used that from the start, Finn.

FINN: I’m sorry, I forgot I had it.

BEN: I told you you had everything you needed.

NIK: Does that mean we have two dead people now?

MARKUS: We’re just unconscious, it should be fine.

DIEGO: Yeah, I can use “Song of Rest” to recover some HP for everyone.

FINN: So it’s a happy ending after all!

NIK: Kind of anticlimactic if you ask me.

BEN: Who said it was over?

MARKUS: There’s more?

JADE: Didn’t that last one mention a “daddy”?

BEN: Hehehe.

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Hayden Hayes

Ooh, daddy? That’s always fun

Chris Theurer

The Twin Dragon Incubi. Yes plz 🍆🔥. Now how to pleasure those giant torches?