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I finally am getting comfortable with the new tablet which means I'll be able to start churning out proper art again!

Now, the bit of "less good" news is that the colors are not calibrated properly and in wanting to calibrate the tablet (and recalibrate my monitor while I'm at it) I discovered that I lost my colorimeter (likely when I moved) so I had to order a new one. It should arrive by the end of the week.

It's been an expensive and demanding journey, but I'm really excited to FINALLY finish the D&D chapter and move on to other projects! I will also catch up on the tarot cards afterwards cause right now, I feel a sense of urgency to finish the D&D story.

Thanks everyone for sticking with me through all this!

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Adam Lunter

After spending the weekend at a leather convention in Cleveland, I can assure you that this sketch is perfectly timed and keeping my kinky little heart going pitter-pat.

Dan DesRosiers

I love that Leon is still sticking out his tongue just like in the first picture from your style evolution post… it’s just a little more interesting with the forked tongue instead


Hahaha it's very on brand for him, but it's also putting in perspective that I should probably make more art with him so that he has a variety of poses.