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Once again, I did not have the time to have someone beta-read this chapter so I hope it's okay. I tried my best to proofread it by myself, but I really wanted to release it ASAP.

Chapter 11 - Kokkino the Barbarian

After taking a deep breath, Finnigan pushes the door open. The rusty hinges announce your arrival with a foreboding screech and a cloud of rancid, musty air welcomes you into the crypt. The darkness that surrounds you is overwhelming at first, but quickly, your eyes get accustomed to the pitch black catacombs.

At least, Azad, Corentin, and Hekate’s eyes get accustomed to the darkness fairly easily. Oren and Finnigan are practically blind in the absence of light.


FINN: We should hold hands so we don’t get lost.

MARKUS: S-sure.


The fighter grabs the Firbolg’s hand in an attempt to offer him guidance and avoid being separated before realizing that he also has no idea how to navigate the catacombs without his sight.


FINN: Oh right.


Corentin, quickly plays a melodious chord on his lute, bringing into existence four shimmering orbs of colorful light that playfully trail ephemeral sparks around the party. Despite the spell clearly being designed for performances, it does light the way as if you were carrying torches.

Now armed with the ability to see their surroundings, Oren and Finnigan join the group in the exploration of the mysterious catacombs.

The scent of moldy earth and death becomes more bearable as you venture further into the labyrinthine galleries. Step by step, you cross winding passages and rooms of ornate sarcophagi etched with the visage of monarchs long gone. Treasures in the form of funerary artifacts and priceless jewelry are laid in extravagant displays, no doubt with the intent to be brought into the afterlife.

The opulent articles seem to almost call to Azad like a siren’s song, and before anyone can intervene, he steps towards the gemstones and gold.

“Fools” echoes an otherworldly voice in the room. “Your greed shall bring you death.”


JADE: Couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, could you?

FIROUZ: Wisdom’s my dump stat. What were you expecting?

BEN: Now now, less blaming each other, and more rolling initiative.


Thanks to your teamwork and Oren’s healing, everyone survives the fight, and the ghostly apparitions that attacked you are exorcized. You make a mental note to tell the king about his restless relatives and unanimously decide to avoid picking up any more loot you find in the royal catacombs. Soon, your search for the mysterious monster resumes.

The atmosphere grows increasingly eerie as you delve further into the depths, the silence broken only by the occasional drip of water rippling in the darkness. The quiet echo of your steps begins to make you doubt the very existence of the creature you were tasked to slay. Shadows dance along the walls, casting strange shapes that seem to shift and writhe in the glow of the magical light, making your imagination wander.

Before long, you enter another burial chamber. This one, clearly older than the previous rooms, seems to have been carved into the living rock centuries ago. The rough walls, wet with the sheen of stagnant humidity, open on a larger gallery from which echoes the distant rattling of chains.

Weapons at the ready, you all make your way into the gallery to investigate the sound but suddenly stop in your tracks when Corentin’s arcane lights cast a suspicious glint across the room, away from the passage. A somewhat familiar shape stands out against the dark rubble of the ruined tunnels: a body.

When you approach to inspect it, you are struck by an unsettling vision. The man, seemingly a human, is clearly unconscious with his neck, wrists, and ankles bound by iron cuffs. Large steel chains snake from the cuffs to a series of large grommets in the wall, keeping the knocked out man restrained, likely in case of his eventual awakening. His body, although limp on the ground, appears uninjured, but his slow, weakened breathing and cold sweat suggest otherwise. What truly captures your attention, however, is the viscous substance that covers his naked body and the ground around him. A stray drip from his half soft, swollen manhood hints at the origin of the substance, but the sheer quantity makes it seem impossible.


NIK: A tied up naked dude covered in cum? Sounds like a Thursday alright!

DIEGO: They’re not usually on the precipice of death though.

NIK: Fair point.

FINN: Can we help him?

BEN: If you want to, you can.

MARKUS: I’ll cast a healing spell on him.

FIROUZ: Be careful, you’re gonna run out of those at some point.

MARKUS: I know but… We can’t leave him like that, can we?

JADE: For all we know, this is the monster in disguise. What’s to prove that he’s even real and not just another trap like the treasures?

NIK: That’s… Exactly what I was thinking…

FINN: Great minds think alike!

NIK: But fools rarely differ.

JADE: Whatever, I think it should be your call Markus. It’s your spell slots after all.

MARKUS: Can I somehow confirm that this isn’t an illusion?

BEN: How would you proceed?

FINN: Oh wait, I know!


Kneeling by the unconscious man, Finnigan swabs a sample of the presumed semen from his sculpted abs and brings it to his lips.


FIROUZ: Eeeew! Dude! It could be poisonous!

DIEGO: Poisonous man goo, what a poetic way to die.

FINN: What does it taste like?

BEN: Cum. It’s cum.

FINN: Okay guys, it’s just cum. So I guess it’s just a guy who came too much and then fainted.

DIEGO: I don’t think that’s a thing, Finn.

FINN: Oh no, it happens. Like on the eighth or ninth time in a row-

DIEGO: I mean for normal people.

MARKUS: Whatever happened here, it’s certainly not “normal”.

FIROUZ: Oh wait! Does that ring any bell from the books on demons we read?

BEN: Roll history. Jade can give you advantage since she also did the research.

FIROUZ: Good! What does a 19 give me?

BEN: Succubi and Incubi come to your mind. They harvest their victim’s essence through orgasms so basically, they drain your balls and your life force to become stronger. They also have powerful seductive magic that can enthrall their stronger opponents to fight for them.

FIROUZ: Ha! I knew the reading was worth it. What’s their weakness?

BEN: Let’s see… They resist cold, fire, lightning, poison, and non-magical attacks.

DIEGO: Wow. Is there anything they’re not resistant to?

NIK: Taxes?

FINN: Love?

JADE: Eldritch blasts.


Gently placing his hand over one of the few spots on the man’s body that is still free of semen, Oren casts his signature healing spell. The warm, comforting glow of his magic envelops the limp body and… Nothing. The stranger remains unconscious.


MARKUS: What did I do wrong?

FIROUZ: You did nothing wrong, buddy. My guess is that he took a few levels of exhaustion so he needs a long rest.

MARKUS: So we just let him sleep it off?

DIEGO: Here? Doesn’t feel safe.

FINN: Can we bring him along?

FIROUZ: Carrying a corpse would slow us down a lot.

MARKUS: He’s not dead though.

JADE: We should probably free him at least.


Finnigan attempts to break the chains with his bare hands, but fails, and his sword sadly does not perform any better against the thick steel links. His thief tools in hand, Azad tries to locate a lock to pick on the fallen man’s bindings only to realize that they do not feature any, probably being held shut by magic instead.

“I could always try my magic.” Hekate suggests as flames swirl in her hands.

“You might as well suggest cutting off all his limbs to free him.” Corentin remarks, unimpressed.

As everyone begins to argue over possible avenues to the man’s freedom, you grow oblivious to your surroundings. Only Oren’s sensitive ear picks up the sound of rattling chains that, previously almost imperceptible, is now growing closer by the second.

Without missing a beat, he warns everyone: “The creature, it’s coming!”


FIROUZ: Not another hellhound!?


You ready your weapons for the incoming threat. The monster’s steps grow louder, echoing like a series of thunder strikes throughout the gallery. Its silhouette appears in the neighboring tunnel, outlined by the cold dim light bounced from the stone walls. The massive shape appears humanoid, but a set of large devilish horns juts from its skull.


BEN: Nik, it's time to make your first roll! Give me a Wisdom save, please.

NIK: Oh right…

FIROUZ: You don't have dice, huh?

NIK: Yeah.

DIEGO: Maybe you and your boyfriend have more in common than it appears haha!

BEN: Anyone has another spare set?

JADE: Fine, you can use one of mine.

DIEGO: How many of those do you have?

JADE: Never enough.

NIK: Pink? Seriously?

JADE: What's wrong with pink? You're not a spring girly?

NIK: Christ! Do you HAVE to sass every comment I make?

FINN: Babe!

JADE: I don't know. Does every comment you make HAVE to be negative?

FINN: Jade!

FIROUZ: Okay, guys, that's enough! Just fuck already and let us get back the game.


DIEGO: I think what Roo means is that you should probably settle this between the two of you on your own time. You know… like adults.

NIK: Yeah, yeah, you're right, D. Sorry Ben.

BEN: I really don't wanna have to kick one of you out over this.

JADE: Sorry, Benji. You're working hard for us to play together and we keep derailing the game with drama.

FINN: Just have some pizza and get along, it's not that hard. The two of you are so alike-

NIK: Not helping, babe.

BEN: So… About that Wisdom save?


The horned creature staggers for a moment as it enters the chamber. His erratic gestures and pained groans hint at a momentary struggle against an invisible foe before it lets out a menacing roar and dashes towards the group, brandishing an oversized stone maul.

“A demon!” Corentin exclaims as he tries to hide behind Finnigan.


NIK: Wait… It’s clearly me.

DIEGO: I know that, but my character doesn’t.

NIK: Wow, okay Meryl, I didn’t realize we were method acting.

FIROUZ: That’s how roleplay works though.

FINN: Don’t worry, I was confused about that at first too.

NIK: Wait… I’m not confused, it’s just… Ugh… Whatever.

JADE: Don’t look at me like that, I’m keeping my mouth shut!

BEN: You can tell them in character who you are if you make the wisdom save.


In its stride, the monster rushes Hekate, shoving her out of its way as it continues its dash towards Finnigan. At the very last moment, the fighter raises his shield against the creature’s weapon. The loud blow resounds through the large room, bouncing against the walls and echoing through the vast tunnels.

“Are you the monster we were sent after?” the ginger swordsman asks naively.

A violent growl is the only reply he gets as the creature once again raises its hammer at the human. In a shower of sparkles, one of the bard’s dancing lights dashes past them, finally casting proper light on the creature. Its horns, although large, appear less demonic and more bull-like in the light and his hairy body, tail, and hooves all seem to indicate a beastly physique rather than an infernal one. His arms, legs, and neck are adorned with iron cuffs similar to that of the cum covered man and a set of broken steel chains dangles from them. His large muscles stretch and bulge as he swings his maul once again, this time, knocking the fighter into the cowering bard and disturbing the latter’s concentration.

With the half-elf’s spell broken, the magical lights flicker out of existence and Finnigan and Oren are once again effectively blind. Hekate, Azad, and Corentin however notice - thanks to their darkvision - that their foe appears just as thrown off by the complete darkness.

“I have an idea!” shouts the rogue before slashing the enemy’s arm with his dagger, attracting his attention.


BEN: Nik, you get another save.


Once again, the beastly man seems to struggle against something for a moment before snapping out of it with a growl and launching himself at the Genasi in his (literally) blind rage. Swiftly, Azad jum- sorry, backflips away from his swinging hammer before carefully positioning himself against the wall behind the naked prisoner.


MARKUS: You’re not gonna use this guy as a meat shield, are you?

FIROUZ: Come on, I said I had an idea.


“Hey big bull!” Azad taunts “What’s the point of this big hammer if you keep missing?”

Visibly enraged by the rogue’s remark, the beast man kicks the ground a few times with his hooves as his breathing becomes heavier and heavier. For a moment, it almost seems like he’s about to explode with anger until he dashes towards the arrogant voice. Swiftly running past the rest of the group and the unconscious man and straight into…

The wall.

Thanks to his unequaled reflexes, Azad jumps out of harm’s way at the very last moment, narrowly avoiding impalement by the monster’s horns.


DIEGO: ¡Olé!


As his skull meets the hard stone of the wall, you hear a loud crack.

“Did we win?” asks the blinded Finnigan.


NIK: Ah come on! That’s such a lame way to die.


Those of you with the ability to see notice cracks quickly forming in the wall and dislodging the metal grommets that had been affixed to it, freeing the prisoner.

“Looks like that guy’s skull was harder than the stone after all.” Hekate comments.

Clearly stunned from his abrupt meeting with the wall, the beast man falls back, one of his horns now missing its pointy tip.


BEN: You can do the save again, Nik.

NIK: AH! Finally! This has to do it, right?


In a gruff, but weakened voice, the minotaur mumbles: “D-d-demon… B-bewitched” before he falls unconscious.

“Corentin, can you get us some light?” Azad asks. “We’re gonna need Oren to take a look at this guy.”

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christian valdez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-10 21:53:53 You can never go wrong and I swear my goal in life is to find me a cock like this. Haha maybe you should look into making dildos of their cocks lol I’d buy them all 🥰🥰🥰🙈
2024-04-10 21:53:53 You can never go wrong and I swear my goal in life is to find me a cock like this. Haha maybe you should look into making dildos of their cocks lol I’d buy them all 🥰🥰🥰🙈
2024-04-10 21:53:53 You can never go wrong and I swear my goal in life is to find me a cock like this. Haha maybe you should look into making dildos of their cocks lol I’d buy them all 🥰🥰🥰🙈
2024-04-10 21:53:53 You can never go wrong and I swear my goal in life is to find me a cock like this. Haha maybe you should look into making dildos of their cocks lol I’d buy them all 🥰🥰🥰🙈
2024-04-06 17:22:49 You can never go wrong and I swear my goal in life is to find me a cock like this. Haha maybe you should look into making dildos of their cocks lol I’d buy them all 🥰🥰🥰🙈

You can never go wrong and I swear my goal in life is to find me a cock like this. Haha maybe you should look into making dildos of their cocks lol I’d buy them all 🥰🥰🥰🙈


Hahaha I've been wanting to do that for a while, but sadly, I haven't found a way to get them made yet.

