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EDIT: I will not be taking down any comics or artworks for the time being unless I am asked to do so by Patreon. Sorry if my earlier announcement confused you.

Hi guys! Hope March is treating you well. It's beating the shit out of me, but it's okay, it's my birthday month, we have that kind of relationship.

💌 VIP rewards are out 💌

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the February VIP rewards have shipped out this morning.

VIPs should receive them in the next week or so depending on their local postal service delays.

Thank you so much for your patience. Once again, they're shipping out later than I would've liked, but I've been swamped so I'm grateful for your understanding with the delays. I will make sure to send the next ones earlier.

🔥 Episode 10 💙

So this is just a quick announcement to let you know that I've officially started writing the final version of the scenario for episode 10. This one is gonna focus on Diego, family drama, and daddy issues as it will follow the storyline of the "Daddy Issues" short stories.

Reading them is not mandatory to enjoy the episode of course, but I do encourage you to do so if you want more insight into Diego's side of things. You have plenty of time before the episode comes out anyway and I've worked really hard on these so I think they're worth a look.

You can find the Daddy Issues series here: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

🐉 The Adventure Ends Soon 🎲

As you may have seen, earlier in the month I posted a poll to offer the possibilities of abridging the D&D story, keeping it full length and uncut, or taking a break from it. The winning option was to keep the story going so I did and we are approaching the ending. I have enjoyed this writing and design exercise and I hope you have too.

As a reminder, so far the story includes:
The prologue
Chapter 1 - Finnigan the Fighter (SFW)
Chapter 2 - Azad the Rogue (NSFW)
BONUS - Bastien the Innkeeper
Chapter 3 - Corentin the Bard (NSFW)
Chapter 4 - Hekate the Warlock (SFW)
Chapter 5 - Akastos the Dryad (NSFW)
Chapter 6 - Oren the Druid (SFW)
Chapter 7 - Dariush the Hobgoblin (NSFW)
Chapter 8 - Stein the Paladin (SFW)
Chapter 9 - Ryujin the Monk (NSFW)

And the last chapters to come are:

• Chapter 10 - King Sikandar the Great
• BONUS - Levi the Alchemist
• Chapter 11 - Kokkino the Barbarian
• Chapter 12 - Lord Bulus the Archdevil
• And maybe one last bonus post 😘

The Tarot Project 🔮

Although it's been harder some weeks than others, so far I've managed to keep making one card a week and I hope you're enjoying the series. I'm having a blast with these!

Here are the last releases:
The Two of Wands
The Two of Swords
The Two of Cups
The Two of Coins
And there's still SO MUCH more to make!

The next card that should be released on Friday is "III - The Empress". Can you guess who's gonna be featured in it?

❓ Plan B ❗

I have recently been informed that Patreon is banning creators for posting "inappropriate" content (even off-platform, which is crazy). I do not consider my content to be any kind of extreme when compared to other bara artists and I have not received any warning, but I have no clue if or when that will change.

I am currently looking for alternatives to Patreon including JFF and Subscribe⭐ as I - like many other NSFW artists - don't feel as safe here anymore. I DO NOT intend to move to another site at the moment, I just want a backup plan if things go south here and I will keep you posted via social media if/when that happens.

Thank you for your understanding.

🙆‍♂️ How's Ollie? 🤷‍♂️

I won't beat around the bush: I didn't meet my recent goals in regards to my Patreon performance nor my schedule. It hurts and there are many reasons we could talk about, but I feel like y'all don't need excuses from me, you need results.

Do know that I intend to keep pushing forward and do better! 😤

Since I've noticed a decline in engagement here, I will probably shorten my post-D&D break to maybe two days to try and catch up on lost time. Don't worry, I have already taken time off this month to celebrate my birthday, had a small gathering at the sugar shack and had a lot of fun.

Also, fun fact: I popped a vein in my eye! It looks alarming, but it's really not. Apparently, it just happens (while sneezing lol) and there's nothing to worry about, but I'll look like an "edgy Naruto character" for a little while with my one red eye.

On a brighter note, the house issues with the flooded basement are gonna finally get fixed. Sadly, the insurance won't cover the defect, but what matters is that we're seeing light at the end of that tunnel. With that being said, if you were considering joining my Patreon, but needed that one extra reason: you can help me fix my old broken house! 🤣

Anyway, now's not the time to rest on my laurels so I'll double my efforts again to meet (and hopefully surpass) your expectations.

As always, thank you all for your support ♥ I couldn't do any of this without you.

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Daniel Gibbons

I love supporting you as a creator -- tbh the only change I wish you were able to make is taking a little more self compassion! You're really very productive and you make very hot, very tender comics.


Thank you, that means so much to me ❤️ and don't worry, whatever happens, I don't intend to stop. We'll find a way to survive.