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Once again, I didn't have enough time to ask for someone else to do a second pass on proofreading so please excuse any mistakes I might have missed in my own proofreading. Also, I think that this is my longest chapter (over 10 pages). The next ones should be a little more concise. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 9 - Ryujin the Monk

As you step through the grand doors, the scent of ancient tomes and the soft glow of candlelight envelop you, creating an atmosphere of quiet reverence that makes you acutely aware of your privilege in being allowed to step into such a sacred archive. The interior unfolds like a labyrinth of knowledge, revealing rows after rows of shelves from floor to ceiling, laden with leather-bound volumes and scrolls neatly arranged. Rolling ladders traverse the expanse, allowing access to the highest manuscripts tucked away at the top of the bookshelves while a pair of seemingly infinite staircases spiral up to the upper floors.

Wizards, monks, and scholars of all sorts occupy the reading nooks scattered throughout the vast chamber. Some sit hunched over dusty tomes, their fingers delicately tracing the text as they immerse themselves in the forgotten lore of ages past. Others engage in profound discussions, their voices whispering words of wisdom through the holy silence of the library.

The ambient light, emanating from numerous braziers and the gentle glow of magical chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, casts dancing shadows on the towering shelves. The air is filled not only with the aroma of ancient parchment but also the soothing scent of frankincense.

As you navigate through the main hall, you catch glimpses of illuminated manuscripts, rare artifacts, and maps that hint at unexplored realms.


FIROUZ: Is anything of value within my reach?

DIEGO: Dude, after all the trouble we went through to get in, you wanna get us thrown out?

FIROUZ: Not if I don’t get caught.


As Azad lets his fingers stroll idly along the shelves, he feels a stranger’s gaze pierce his back. Fighting the shiver provoked by this intuition, he turns around to notice an imposing figure watching him with disconcerting stoicism. With growing worry, he discreetly alerts his companions of the suspicious observer to whom they all direct their attention, instantly revealing the topic of their hushed conversation.


FIROUZ: Wow… Way to go, guys.


A mountain of a man stands before you. Despite his human appearance, it wouldn't be a stretch to surmise a lineage intertwined with giants, given that he has even the fighter and the paladin beat with his formidable stature and build. From the flowing robes that cover half his body and the prayer beads that rest on his broad chest, you can easily deduce that he’s a monk. His bare arm, a sculpted canvas of ebony skin, is covered with holy scripture in a testament to the man’s devotion, patience, and discipline.

Putting an end to the improvised staring contest, he approaches and bows respectfully before introducing himself in a deep unemotional voice:

“Forgive my manners, adventurers, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable. I am Ryujin of the Byakko-dera”

“Think nothing of it, brother Ryujin.” Corentin replies with a dashing smile. “The fact that our - let’s say - colorful group clashes with the ambiance here is not lost on us.”

“People of all kinds come through these doors.” the monk says, his rigid features softening into a smile. “And far be it from me to patronize you, but if you’re looking for something, perhaps I could be of assistance?”

“Nah, man, we’re just browsing.” Azad retorts, growing impatient.

The witch nudges the rogue with her elbow and remarks: “Actually, we’re keen on finding some information about a particular archdevil… Any chance you could point us in the right direction?”

The monk then provides them with indications to find the section of the library dedicated to demonology towards which Hekate pulls Azad hastily.


MARKUS: I thought that splitting the group was a bad idea.

JADE: In this case, if we can use our long rest to gain some info, it’s worth it.

FIROUZ: And what are the chances that we’re attacked while in Scandalkeep anyway?

JADE: As long as you keep your hands to yourself.


Jumping off the witch and the rogue’s departure, Stein announces that he’s looking to visit the shrine of the Goddess Mother at the very back of the library as it is one of the stops on his pilgrimage. With a spark of curiosity in their eyes, Finnigan and Oren also decide to visit the shrine to the paladin’s delight.

Left alone, Ryujin and Corentin stroll down the long corridors of books, conversing quietly about their respective journeys and keeping each other company through their stay in the library of secrets.

“Are you here on a pilgrimage as well?” asks the bard.

“Not at all,” the monk answers, “I came along with a few of my brothers at our abbot’s request. We’ve come to contribute wisdom from our monastery.”

“I’m reassured to hear that you did not travel alone.” the half-elf sighs. “But I suppose the life of a monk must still be a lonely one.”

“It’s true that our way of life can be challenging for some, but my brothers and I share everything.” Ryujin explains. “So we never truly feel alone.”

The bard chuckles. “I admire your devotion to your monastery, but I was talking in regards to your vow of celibacy.”


MARKUS: Are you… Flirting with a monk?

DIEGO: I understand your confusion, Markus, you’re still new to D&D after all. But I’m a bard. There’s no way I will not flirt with the big bodybuilding monk.

FIROUZ: Yeah, what is he supposed to do? NOT make the guy break his lifelong vows? What’s the fun in that?

MARKUS: Ben, are you SURE we’re the good guys?

BEN: Well… You know… Good and evil is subjective.

JADE: Hey, what happens in Scandalkeep stays in Scandalkeep, it’s not called “the library of secrets” for nothing.


At the mention of his “vow of celibacy”, the monk’s stern face finally cracks and he breaks into a deep, heartfelt laughter. After a few seconds he regains his composure and explains:

“Oh, child, you are funny! We vow never to take a wife, certainly, but celibacy altogether? I don’t think most of us would follow their calling if that were the case.”

“Oh really?” the bard asks, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “Then perhaps you ought to introduce me to your brothers for proper… Rest after such a long journey.”

“It is good to see our intentions align, friend.” the monk responds with a knowing smirk.

Led by the monastic hunk, Corentin then makes his way to the monks’ chamber.



BEN: Look, it’s hard to come up with synonyms all the time.

JADE: Don’t change a thing, we love it!

FINN: Ah man… Is it too late to go see the monks too?

BEN: You’ve all made your choices! Some bring smut, others advance the story. Speaking of story, let’s go see what Hekate and Azad are up to, shall we?


The infernal section of the library, though more modest than many others they passed on their way, is of considerable proportions, and the absence of patrons in the area only enhances this feeling of grandeur. Tomes of varying sizes and colors populate the shelves, creating a dark rainbow of ornate spines. Many of the volumes feature titles in foreign languages, some have had their cover faded by time, and others are tied in chains bound by a lock. Clearly, fiendish history and demonic studies include manuscripts better left unseen.

Azad barely manages to step into the section before Hekate runs to the shelves and starts browsing frenetically.

“You know…” the rogue begins. “I overheard a bit of what you talked about with Oren...”

“I suppose your confession at the gate makes us even then.” the witch replies, her eyes still glued to the bookshelves.

“When I joined the redhead on his quest, I mostly did it for the money...” says Azad

“Shocker!” exclaims the Tiefling while teasingly sticking her tongue out at him.

“And I still am.” the rogue adds with a smirk. His expression softens as he adds: “But I think it would be nice if we could get rid of that archdemon guy… I mean, if the king can help us that is.”

Hekate stops browsing the bookshelves for an instant. A wave of melancholy washes over her face as she turns to the rogue and says: “He has to… I’ve spent too much time seeking my freedom for it to be taken away now.”

“I suppose I’m in a similar situation with Lord Paulus…” the rogue comments, lost in thought.

“Your ‘Lord Paulus’... What deal did you make with him?” the witch inquires. “You’re clearly not a warlock.”

“It was nothing that fancy, I don’t need magic.” Azad replies, looking to the side. “But I did need money to help my family…”

The witch’s search starts anew, but this time, a part of her focus shifts to the distraught Genasi behind her. In an uncharacteristically compassionate tone, she offers him her ear and as he begins half-heartedly perusing the various titles, he decides to accept her offer.

“We grew up poor, without a father, but in regards to love, our mother would never leave us in need.” He sighs. “She raised us to be good people too, but she fell ill… And my younger siblings weren’t ready to lose her. Hells! I wasn’t either. So I took upon myself to make money however I could, to afford whatever time I could buy her.”

Azad stands immobile, his eyes transfixed by visions invisible to his companion. “That’s when I met Lord Paulus by - what I thought was - chance and began to work for him in exchange for him taking on the financial burden of my mother’s treatment. And the more I worked, the more my debt grew. In time, I was given more dangerous tasks, going wherever he couldn’t to procure whatever he desired.”

He pauses briefly, debating whether or not to admit the rest. “My last task was to eliminate Finnigan, but I got caught before I could see it through and I ended up joining his party instead… Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad I didn’t fulfill my master’s orders, but… I’m not sure if I’m being reckless, or stupid, or both.”

“I see… I suppose we truly are birds of a feather.” the witch remarks with a tinge of irony. “My patron sent me after a red-haired human with a silver sword before I joined your group. I had already made up my mind that I would run away by then, but our encounter is certainly not fortuitous.” She grabs a book bound in burgundy leather before adding: “Your Lord Paulus seems to have an inclination towards faustian bargains… Not unlike my own master.”

“I noticed they have similar names as well…” Azad admits. “Lord Bulus was it? You don’t think-”

“I’m not sure what I think.” she concludes. “But both of us having ties to a Lord who holds power over our very lives? Both of us being tasked to eliminate the same otherwise insignificant human? And both of us joining our target’s quest, betraying our orders? You can’t tell me you believe this is all just happenstance.”

“You’re right.” the rogue concedes. “I don’t believe there’s even a chance all of this is just a coincidence.”

The two then proceed to pick a few more books from the infernal section before making their way to a reading nook. They find comfort in the peaceful ambiance of the library and perhaps also in their shared vulnerability. The two companions spend the rest of their evening diligently reading a multitude of volumes on the infernal court and their major figures, fueled by the hope that together, they might have a chance at fighting off their - possibly common - oppressor.

Both of you, make an Investigation check.


FIROUZ: Ok, but off the record, like… We all know Bulus and Paulus are the same person, right?

JADE: I mean, the names make it pretty obvious.

FINN: I knew there was something up with those two names!

BEN: Wow. Really? Even you, Finn? Pff, fine, I might have dropped the ball on that reveal.

MARKUS: Nooo, it’s great! I wanna know what comes next!

DIEGO: Yesss! And also, what happens with the Ryujin guy? Are all the other monks as ripped as he is?

BEN: Funny you should ask, because we’ll now take a look at Corentin’s evening.


After a short walk through the impressive halls of the library, Ryujin and Corentin finally reach the east wing where living quarters have been set up to allow visitors to extend their stay. Enthusiastically, the half-elf enters the large room indicated by the monk who proceeds to follow him inside.

The room, adorned with bare walls painted in neutral hues, exudes an air of quietude. Wooden partitions divide the space into individual alcoves, each containing a narrow bed made of humble materials, layered with a simple linen blanket.

Along the walls, sturdy pegs offer monks a place to hang their sacred garments for the night.  Dimly lit lanterns cast a warm glow, their gentle light accentuating the humble surroundings. The air carries a faint scent of incense, likely remnants of a recent meditative ritual.

In a corner, a communal area features a simple rectangular table made of sturdy wood, but devoid of any flourishes. Half a dozen wooden stools are placed neatly around it with as many monks seated there.

One of the monks stands to greet his guest. Like Ryujin, the monk is a musclebound human with a shaved head and sunset-colored robes, but his graying beard and wrinkled smile betray his greater age. However, his eyes sparkle with the lively enthusiasm of a man with half his years, making their jade-like hue almost glow at Corentin’s arrival.

“I see that you’ve invited a guest, brother.” the older monk says. “Would it be presumptuous to assume he’s a bard?”

“Guilty.” replies Corentin with a flirtatious smile. “I thought you all could use a little bit of entertainment.”

“Our way is to never turn down a guest.” the senior monk explains with a kind smile. “Especially not one as charming as you. Brother Ryujin never disappoints.”

As Corentin takes out his lute and starts playing, the room fills with festive melodies and an aura of playfulness. One of the monks - a rotund human with dirty blonde body hair - brings a pair of additional stools for the two new members while another - a youthful wood elf with amber-colored skin - fetches bottles of sweet mead from his quarters. The delicious nectar, likely made in their very own monastery, flows generously, and before long, the voices and cheers of the men join the joyful music of the lute. They take pleasure in telling tales of their long journey as well as a few salacious jokes one would expect from pirates rather than brothers on a holy mission. Between songs, Ryujin shows himself to be a most gracious host and ensures that the minstrel’s cup never runs dry.

As the night progresses, Corentin finds himself not just a guest but a welcomed member of this monastic brotherhood, the energizing tunes of his lute weaving seamlessly into the laughter of the monks' chants. When the time comes for the musician to finally rest his voice, he’s pulled into his seat by the muscular arm of a - surprisingly cheerful - drow monk.

“I have never met monks quite like you, my friends.” the bard admits. “You certainly know how to have fun.”

“It’s important to work hard, but it’s just as important to party hard.” the drow replies with a smirk.

“And you’ve been such a great sport about entertaining us.” the bear adds, mimicking his brother’s expression.

“The least we can do is thank you in kind.” the older monk concludes with a devilish grin of his own.

Without further ado, the brothers all stand up and surround Corentin before undoing their sashes and letting their robes fall to the floor. Seven rising members of varying shapes and colors, all attached to gorgeous men, beckon to him, making his mouth water in anticipation and indecision.

Thankfully, the unbearable pressure of choice is swiftly eliminated by the monks’ initiative and the bard soon finds himself hands and knees on the table with Ryujin’s mouth between his cheeks, the senior monk’s mouth between his thighs, and a succession of hard dicks in his face.

The drow’s long jet black organ, the wood elf’s elegant curve, and the bear’s girth monster each throb delightfully between his lips as he takes in their unique flavors. The sensation from his holes being stimulated so enthusiastically almost overwhelms him when he’s distracted by the seventh member of the group - a blue-skinned tiefling with a massive cock and bull-sized balls - making his way under him to suck the older man’s growing schlong.

Before long, the bard is lying on his back with each of the brothers fucking him in succession, all choosing their favorite hole, while the others watch intently as they grease their meat in preparation.

The bear’s thick cock and powerful thrusts stretch his anus as he feels his full, hairy belly bounce against the back of his thighs.

The Tiefling’s big blue dick motions back and forth into his pussy with a regular, almost methodical rhythm and each time he goes all in, his large lemon-sized balls slap against his buttocks with all their heft.

The wood elf’s upcurved member, with quick shallow thrusts in his vagina, repeatedly hits that perfect spot inside of him, building up the bard’s orgasm over and over before slowing down, visibly trying his best not to shoot his spunk too soon.

The drow’s long cock and the elder monk’s rock hard erection each pummel his asshole mercilessly, but one of the tops keeps away from the action. Ryujin, despite visibly enjoying the show, remains behind, letting his brothers destroy the bard’s holes for themselves. His own enormous manhood - the biggest of the group - stays a mere member of the audience, slick with grease and precum, as the giant man strokes it slowly.

After what feels like hours of this parade of pounding, two pairs of strong hands lift Corentin to sit him on a pair of eager cocks. In his new position, he valiantly takes the plump monk’s fat knob in his ass and the wood elf’s curved prick in his pussy. The drow, leaning over the wood elf, fucks the young monk’s mouth relentlessly, inducing gagging and choking. A quick look behind reveals that the group’s senior now has his own member deep in the bear’s throat. With a mouthful of the Tiefling’s tool, the bard glances over at Ryujin who, by the table, watches with a satisfied smirk as he playfully keeps stroking his own impressive meat.

When several of the men approach the point of no return, they signal each other and stand aside, leaving the bard alone on the table, covered in sweat, precum, and his own juices, panting from the overwhelming waves of pleasure delivered by all these studs. That’s when Ryujin finally approaches the euphoric bard and slowly slips his mastodon inside his gaped asshole. Despite his orifice being loosened by the previous tops, Corentin feels every single vein, every single inch, and every single throb of that monster.

What would have normally been a painful challenge, is instead a welcome sensation of satisfying fullness as the handsome monk picks up his pace and begins fucking him earnestly with all his tremendous strength. The half-elf moans, whines, and screams in ecstasy as his relentless partner pounds his guts into a pulp, making his abdomen bulge from the depth of his blows. Orgasm after orgasm - each eye-rolling, leg-shaking, and squirt-inducing - overtake the bottom, turning him into a moaning mess, nothing more than putty in the giant hands of the martial artist.

Before he can even realize what’s happening, the brothers all gather around him and in a symphony of groans, grunts, and moans, cover him in their gooey white seed. With a few extra thrusts, Ryujin pulls out his wildly pulsating cock from the bard’s ass and joins his brotherhood’s bukkake with his own abundant load.

His legs and holes numb from all the orgasms, Corentin scoops some of the mixed semen that covers his sweaty abs and brings it to his full lips, licking them in delight.

“I believe that was the best fuck of my life.” he concludes as he catches his breath.

“The night is still young.” replies Ryujin before planting a kiss on the bard’s cum-covered lips.


DIEGO: Daaaamn… Can we bring Ryujin with us?

BEN: No, he has his own duties to attend.

JADE: Is there any chance I can be his next duty?

BEN: You also have your own quest. Remember? Freeing yourself from your patron’s contract?

JADE: I mean, sure, I want freedom. But good dick is its own kind of freedom.

FINN: Aww, we really should’ve visited the monks too…

MARKUS: Unless Stein plans to bring us to a meeting of horny paladins?

BEN: I’m afraid not. Stein does have a vow of celibacy. Speaking of him, let’s have a look at the shrine…


Nestled at the far back of the keep, a small wooden door opens on a secluded secret garden, inaccessible from the main yard. The area feels like a little piece of heaven, a sanctuary of divine serenity. Large flowering branches droop down from the ancient trees that guard this sacred ground, creating a fragrant curtain of lilac petals that shields the blessed haven from the evils of the outside world.

Carved from weathered stone, the shrine's structure blends seamlessly with the natural surroundings, its walls adorned with intricate reliefs depicting scenes of fertility, abundance, and motherly love. A mosaic of colorful tiles, arranged in patterns of blossoming flowers and winding vines, adorns the floor, inviting worshippers to tread upon sacred ground with reverence. The shrine's entrance features a simple arch decorated with garlands of Ivy rather than a door, giving the holy structure an welcoming atmosphere.

At the heart of the shrine stands a majestic sculpture depicting a beautiful woman with arms outstretched in a gesture of loving embrace. Her plump form radiates an aura of benevolence and maternal warmth. The statue, elevated on a pedestal, is surrounded by a cloud of pastel colors in the form of a blooming flower bed at its feet. You gather that the inviting figure is a representation of the Goddess Mother.

The last golden rays of twilight filter through stained glass windows, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the shrine's interior, while the subtle scent of carnations arouses your nose. Despite not being worshippers of the goddess yourselves, you can't help but feel at ease - at home even - in this blessed space.

Without a word, the paladin kneels at the feet of the divine effigy and begins to pray. Unsure of what to do, Oren and Finnigan imitate him, imploring in their heart the Mother to offer their group her protection on their journey.

“Mister Stein,” Oren whispers, “I fear we might need your help again as our journey seems to lead us towards what I foresee to be a most fearsome fiend.”

“You have no need for me on your quest.” the paladin replies in a comforting tone. “As long as your heart is true, the Mother will smile upon you.”

“But what if I die again?” Finnigan inquires.

“How strong is your resolve if your quest is not worth giving your life for?” the half-orc remarks while standing back up. “Can you and your friends say that this adventure matters enough for it to be your last.”

“Of course.” the druid replies, rising back to his feet. “I seek to save my home from evil, to protect the ones I love. Nothing matters more to me.”

“And what about you, human?” Stein asks, turning his Azure gaze to Finnigan.

“I… I’m not sure.” the fighter admits, perplexed.

“Once you find what you’re fighting for, you will be ready to see your story through.” the half-orc says, holding out his hand to help the human up. “Just like I am.”

After winding down from their busy day, the three of them make their way to the dormitories and turn in for the night.

Everybody gets a long rest.


MARKUS: Finn, are you okay?

FINN: Yeah, I think so. I’m just…

BEN: I know that face. That’s when D&D hits you in the feels.

DIEGO: Don’t worry, Finn, in my first campaign, I sobbed when one of the NPCs died.

FIROUZ: Dude, you cry when anyone dies.

DIEGO: What can I say? I care about people.

FINN: Thanks guys. I think I just never thought about my… My character’s motivation.

BEN: Well, there’s Bastien the hot dwarf.

JADE: Come on, no one should put themselves through all that just for “a guy”.

*The doorbell rings*

DIEGO: Oh look. “A guy” just arrived.

Back to main page




Ollie this is incredible!!! The three separate storylines were woven together beautifully and you definitely maintained the reader's interest, glad Diego had a good time lol!!! I'm very curious what guy has arrived!?!?!? Lol


Hahaha thank you! I didn't want to say it was three chapters in one in case it didn't came across as enough content for that claim, but that's kind of what it was 😅


Another excellent entry! I am enjoying this series.


Thank you! We're getting close to the end of this project. I'm looking forward to the finale!