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Hi everyone and welcome back! Kim, Mom and I watched Sherlock Holmes (premiered today!). We really enjoyed that movie, so thanks for voting for it! We will watch The Fugitive next week! Mom and I watched The Lion King II, so thank you for requesting that as well!

We've been getting a lot of requests to rewatch The Lord of The Rings movie series the last few years, but just the last 3 months there has been a lot of demand for it... Mom and Kim never saw the theatrical released movies, only the extended... I doubt they'll remember much since they've seen the extended once around 6 years ago... so we may put Lord of the Rings on a poll soon too! What do you think?

Jessica and I are excited to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender (Netflix)! That airs next Thursday, so we plan on watching Thursday night and I'll upload the first episode as soon as possible Friday! Are you excited for this series?! I'm a little nervous, but think it will be better than the M. Night version. 🤞🤞

I'm going to jump into Hazbin Hotel solo too cause I'm REALLY CURIOUS about it! Just because of all the personal requests and it has an interesting animation style!

We thank you all for your support and caring about what we do! Have a great weekend! xoxo





Final season of The Bad Batch started! 😃


If the demand is there, I would do the re-watch and maybe put a disclaimer that it is a re-watch and not a first time reaction (since you last saw it 6 years ago, so your memory may be fuzzy). And since the reactions are edited a bit differently now (with more of the movie being shown) it would pretty much be a different reaction viewers will be seeing.