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For Blood is an intense episode! We are worried for our friends fighting the Reapers! Daryl needs to get away from there too!

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Rogue Maverick

A hwacha is a Korean medieval weapon that is capable of firing 100-200 rocket-powered arrows. It was built to take out large numbers of enemies. I do think that Leah knew the Pope and her family before the turn and she found them again after she met up with Daryl. She might have also been with them for a bit after the apocalypse started, but I am not entirely sure. Leah killing the Pope was not sudden or out of the blue, she had been questioning his leadership for some time. She killed him because he was endangering her brothers. She even stomped him down like he did to Bossy in the fire. I think Leah would have been more accepting if Daryl hadn't killed Ancheta. And Daryl also lied to her. She thought she could trust Daryl and he betrayed that trust and got even more of her family killed. As for the Reapers killing people and taking their community, Rick was going to take Alexandria by force, lethal force, if necessary. This is the same thing. People will do anything and kill anyone for their family. Now that Pipe is dead, I don't think Frost ever ratted out Daryl. I think he was testing to see if Daryl got nervous, which Daryl has a decent poker face. I look forward to your future reactions.

William chase robinson

Yes Leah worked with the other reapers for years first in the Military then later as Mercenaries, so she’s known them far longer then she knew Daryl. So her betraying them for Daryl was no more likely then Daryl betraying his family for her