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Marvel Fan

I had the same reaction and I was also completely shocked about the end of this episode that Victor Timely just literally turned into spaghetti and I was like, "What just happened?!!" Victor Timely was a good guy and even though he is a variant of Kang, he was completely different and he's not like He Who Remains. He's full of curiosity and he's just really impressed about the hot cocoa machine. I can't believe he's gone and I feel really bad for him. Miss Minutes is really terrifying and just murdered Dox and the TVA agents in cold blood which is beyond horrible. She is a psychotic cartoon clock with pure evil personality. The way she glitched and when she said, "You'll never be him". She looked like an evil Terminator. After Victor Timely disappeared, the temporal loom looked like it exploded and everything flashes. There are two episodes left and in theory, maybe the MCU is being rebooted and the whole universe is starting to reset. Guess we'll find out what happens in the next episode and I hope Loki and the team are okay.

Marvel Fan

There has been recent official news from Marvel Studios. In Doctor Strange 2 movie, Wanda/Scarlet Witch destroys Mount Wungadore and there is a red burst one the rocks crush her. Marvel has confirmed that Wanda is really dead. Marvel made a book called Marvel Studios' The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline and in the book, it says: "[Wanda] destroys Wundagore - and collapses it upon herself - ending two great threats to all of the Multiverse." Additionally, the entry in the book has a symbol representing a major character death, officially confirming Scarlet Witch's fate. Also, Marvel finally answered about Agents of SHIELD canon status. In the MCU: An Official Timeline book, the Agents of SHIELD situation is addressed as the entirety of the MCU Phase 1 though 4 are covered in immense detail. The Death of Phil Coulson discusses Coulson's heroic sacrifice and death in The Avengers movie, but nothing of his resurrection or his team in Agents of SHIELD is mentioned or even hinted at. So that means Agents of SHIELD is not canon to the MCU. Kevin Feige gives the following quote in the book's forward: "On the Multiverse note, we recognize that there are stories - movies and series - that are canonical to Marvel but were created by different storytellers during different periods of Marvel's history. The timeline presented in this book is specific to the MCU's Sacred Timeline through Phase 4. But, as we move forward and dive deeper into the Multiverse Saga, you never know when timelines may just crash or converge (hint, hint/spoiler alert)." This is a theory and a possibility: I think Kevin Feige may have teased that the Marvel TV like Agents of SHIELD series could be in the multiverse. For the Marvel Netflix series, we still don't know if it's canon to the MCU or in the multiverse. However, in She-Hulk series, Marvel may have hinted that Daredevil might be the same person from the Marvel Netflix series. Marvel Studios and Marvel Television were separate divisions and Jeph Loeb was in charge of Marvel TV which he worked on Agents of SHIELD and Marvel Netflix series. In 2019, when Kevin Feige was promoted as Chief Creative Officer, he took over Marvel Television and started making these Marvel Disney Plus series which are canon to the MCU.