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It's my (and Tom's) birthday month! Can't believe another year has gone by! Any other August birthday's here?

We are in between shows right now. Can't wait for Ahsoka! Any other popular shows you are currently watching? I anxiously waiting to jump into The Witcher, but we may have to watch without Kimmy since she is so busy.

I'm also using a new editing style for our YouTube videos... it's a lot more time consuming, but I'm getting faster... I think the circles are easier to watch when the movie/show is blocked out due to copyright. What do you think?

Oh! We choose Anchorman for next Saturday! That has been a long term request and Kim has also been asking to watch that for a while, LOL!

Thanks for your support everyone!

❤ Storm




I think the new style for Youtube edits really works, with the circles superimposed over the movie. However, I think maybe now you could stop using the static to obscure the movie. I understand it was probably a preventative measure to avoid copyright strikes. But with the circles now covering a good portion of the screen, I'd assume that should be "enough." Plus, I think at least being able to see a portion of the movie would appeal to more people and result in more views.

Joel Miller

Anchorman hype


Thanks so much for your feedback! I agree with the blurring background, but every time I upload blur instead of static, the video gets blocked and through dispute, AMC, Warner Bros, etc reject it. Definitely still a copyright issue. I do like the blur look better. Not sure how others are able to use it. I even blurred it out at maximum and most YouTube algorithms catch it, block it and companies reject it. Weird!