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Thank you for voting for Little Shop of Horrors! We enjoyed this so much! The music is very catchy too!

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Good thing it’s the theatrical cut the directors cut is too sad for me


I'm glad it's the theatrical cut too. (As I noted in a previous comment, the theatrical cut is what at least a generation and a half grew up with. I assume most people wanting a Little Shop reaction were thinking of the theatrical cut. At least that was true in my case.) I know some people were advocating for the alternate version, so hopefully they aren't too disappointed. A couple really cool things about this movie: Audrey 2 is all practical effects, as this was years before convincing CGI was a thing. It's basically the most amazing puppeteering I've ever seen in a movie. Also, you may have noticed the names Alan Menken and Howard Ashman in the opening credits for the songs/music (with Ashman credited for the screenplay). This duo not only wrote the musical stage play this movie was based on, but they were later instrumental in the "golden age" of Disney animated movies. They were the song-writing team behind "The Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast" and "Aladdin," (with Menken writing the orchestral scores for those movies as well).


Not disappointed at all. And I wasn't advocating for it to be the one chosen for the reaction as much as just pointing out that someone people, including myself do see merit in it as a more poignant overall moral tale and of course more faithful to the original purpose of the story. It's Storm Akima, so, it is what it is. There are some movies I like, that I'm perfectly fine them not reacting to for certain reasons - one of them funny enough being part of the Disney 90s Renaissance. I'm more disappointed with another Storm Akima practice that's reared it's ugly head again on this week's schedule.


Yeah, maybe "advocate" was the wrong word to use. To your point, I've heard folks make the argument that with the director's ending it's more of a morality tale, implying that Seymour's actions warranted an unhappy ending. I guess I'd argue that the theatrical/happy ending could *also* be construed as a morality tale--in that the dentist and Mr. Mushnik effed around and found out, and basically got their just desserts. Looking at it that way, Seymour didn't do a whole lot wrong, at least not on the scale of justifying the end of humanity. I'm curious what the 90s Disney movie is that you're fine with them not reacting to. (I feel like they've already done most of the main animated ones from that era.)

Adam Grunther

As a die hard fan of the broadway show I’ve never been a huge fan of the movie for how much they softened it up and changed the ending but I’m glad you guys enjoyed this one (even if I’m one of the few people who prefers the original ending).

Joel Miller

Three things: 1. Audrey II was 100% puppetry. Which is fantastic to watch the mouth movements. 2. In the broadway production and director’s cut, Audrey and Seymour died. At the end, they died together and was Somewhere That’s Green. Then, a lot of Audrey IIs were purchased and tricked people into feeding it blood. At the end, Audrey II conquered the world. 3. This is so far the only time you see Steve Martin and Bill Murray on screen. Comedy legends.


Don't ask why but Steve Martin's role in this might be my favorite character 😅


The broadway production ending works because it’s more comical and you see them technically in don’t feed the plants in the directors cut it feels quite dark especially since things were cut out due to a fire and footage that would’ve been included in the directors cut made it feel out of place especially the song “the meek shall inherit”


Well... I guess on a narrower scope, you could make that argument, but the broader implications of such a take as far as the morality lesson/s; as original writer Howard Ashman succinctly put it, "Seymour sells his soul and gets the girl", I think is worth a lot more consideration: not to mention what it touches on as far as society's greed and propensity to blindly and indiscriminately follow trends without any questions, or to simply more readily go with what's more immediately agreeable etc. The Disney movie from the 90s I was referring to isn't too hard to guess: think of the one that would be an easy target if not the easiest target for a, "glad times have changed" speech, like what Dawn did at the end of The Little Mermaid, or a "this was problematic" dismissive attitude. It's actually my personal favorite Disney 2D animated movie and IMO the most "realistic" love story Disney's ever done, but most people then and even WORSE now just can't get past what comes down to simply being a dumb executive decision to reference real people in what's an otherwise wonderful story with a wonderful message spread through beautiful music and beautiful animation.


That was Steve Martin channeling Elvis for his performance lol. It really is one of his comedic best.

Joel Miller

I loved their reaction to the reveal. They expected it the Professional to be a villain and instead it’s Steve Martin being an Elvis Parody.

Joel Miller

Forgot to also mention that when song lyricists Howard Ashman and Alan Menken were working on The Little Mermaid they joking called “Part of Your World” as “Somewhere That’s Wet” because “Somewhere That’s Green” was the inspiration for their Disney I Want song.