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Welcome to this months Live Action Movie Poll. This poll in non-genre specific.


Thank you all for your great suggestions and requests! Not all of the movies are listed below but some of the more requested titles are mentioned. Enjoy!

Vote on a movie below and help choose a winner!

Please keep in mind that most requested movies we are blind to. We don't know exactly what genre or how popular most movies are and rely on your comments to help guide us.

Thank you all for your support and happy voting!



The Last Samurai PLEASE!!!!! It’s so good!

Kage Uzumaki

Taken is beating last samurai

Aaron Barlow

I have a soft spot for the 80s classic American werewolf in London, but I guess it's before too many Patrons' time. Taken is a great series of films.

Rafael Benedicto

I know The Naked Gun isn't winning. But I hope you're gonna watch it in the future. It's just too good.


Come on guys, i think it's time they watched scary movie. Their only missing out on two movies it's parodying.

Armchair Wizard

im kinda sad because I know they'd love what we do in the shadows.


You say that like those two movies are not very popular, or are never likely to get requested - also it's 3 movies: "I Know What You Did Last Summer", "Blair Witch Project" and "Friday The 13th." 2 big Horror movie classic staples and a well known cult-classic.

Rafael Benedicto

The first time I watched Scary Movie as a kid I haven't even watched all of those movies it's supposed to parody, and I still found it hilarious.


It's not just about them not getting it, it's also about them having things of those movies spoiled. It's like people today that saw Excorcist spoofs before they saw The Exorcist and it no longer had the same effect because they had already seen what happened but in a comedic way.