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Thank you for all of the great suggestions and requests! Please bear with us as we try out these new polls, we realize tweaks need to be made to the request post and we will fix that for the next month. Keep an eye out for the "What Genre will we watch?" POLL to come out towards the end of this month.

Not all of the movies are listed below but some of the more requested titles are mentioned. Enjoy!

Vote on a movie below and help choose a winner!

Please keep in mind that most requested movies we are blind to. We don't know exactly what genre or how popular most movies are and rely on your comments to help guide us.

Thank you all for your support and happy voting!



Very interesting choices that’s for sure.


If LSOH does win, we should have a poll to see which version. Both versions are different. Imo, I don’t care, but it does matter to some


I hope they just watch the theatrical version. The so-called director's cut--while faithful to the original broadway production--undermines the tone established in the movie. Perhaps more importantly, the alt-ending isn't representative of what an entire generation experienced when they fell in love with the movie. Also, there *have* been a couple reactors who have accidentally reacted to the alternative ending instead of the theatrical version (probably based on the assumption that "director's cut" is always better) and they seemed more perplexed than positive about it.

Joel Miller

I don’t think the original ending would fit Storm Akima. There will be comments on Patreon and on YouTube explaining that ending. I am split and I agree with the poll suggestion for which cut. Assuming we are all talking about the 80s one.


Please guys, vote fore scary movie


Wait a second. You think the channel that loves Disney movies wouldn't prefer the *theatrical* ending? Did you make a mistake and intend to type that you *do* think the theatrical ending would fit Storm Akima?


Little shop of horrors is so fun but watch the theatrical version the directors cut is too dark for me i know they wanted to mirror the stage show but it’s more comical on stage than it is on screen


Ooh, Little Shop might actually win this time?? 👏

Aaron Barlow

Anchorman is a must watch. So is 'What we do in the shadows'.


Oh, okay, Got it. "Original" meaning Director's Cut. Thanks.

Rafael Benedicto

After watching all the Scream movies for a long while, you should definitely watch Scary Movie next.


Actually, although I liked the Theatrical release, I do side with the Director's cut's counterargument to what you just said. I can't say what that is without spoilers, so, it'll have to wait! 😁


Gosh... Scary Movie's climbed up 10 votes while Little Shop Of Horrors has only climbed up 3 in the same time span. Can't we get a break from Scream, even if it's Scream parody's for a week, before we start another long streak of another derivative franchise? Also, what happened to waiting for reactors to catch up on the Horror movies these type of movies are parodying before requesting their spoof movies? There are I Know What You Did Last Summer, Friday The 13th and Blair Witch Project spoofing references in the first Scary Movie. Then there are Amityville Horror, Poltergeist, Rocky Horror Picture Show spoofing references in the 2nd Scary Movie. Then there's the Ring for Scary Movie 3. And several of these include spoilers to these movies.

Joel Miller

Now that Little Shop of Horrors won, are we going to have a poll for which version? The Directors Version is in the Extras Section on Max.


Gotta get thru the meh stuff to get to the good stuff...


As someone who strongly feels they should watch the theatrical version, my concern is that people will automatically vote for the Director's cut, maybe being unaware of how fundamentally different it is. I think the general rule of thumb that people go by (which isn't always correct) is that director's cuts are *always* superior, and that they are basically the same movie as the theatrical but with a few extra scenes thrown in. However that's certainly not the case here.


@WastedPo Well, I wouldn't use "certainly", maybe, "not necessarily": as in not necessarily the case here. There are some people, after all, that do see merit in the director's cut, myself included and some that do think it's "superior." You're right though, the director's cut ends on a different note than the theatrical. That said, I'm fine with either being chosen as far as Storm Akima's concerned. I would advise that if such a poll were put up that people that aren't familiar with it, should inform themselves first before casting a vote, because they're tonally different cuts.

Joel Miller

There are entire video essays on why each cut is superior. I would go for either myself.


I so prefer the theatrical cut, that if I thought we were actually getting the alternate/director's cut, I would've voted for a different title. That said, what if Storm Akima watched the theatrical cut--the version that so many people grew up with ... And then after a little discussion, they watched the alternative ending?