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A must watch movie! D&D was so entertaining! Have you played Dungeons & Dragons before?

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Hazah! This was a trip*


You know, I think of all the new movies I saw over the past couple years, D&D was the most enjoyable. I hope on digital streaming that it gains the following it deserves.

ED209 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-21 12:30:41 This movie was the most enjoyable theatre experience I've had in quite a while. Lots of teens and families around me and everybody had a whale of a time with no phone distractions. Unfortunately, the film failed at the box-office. It had good reviews from critics and audiences that saw it, but it seems that the marketing campaign didn't convince the general public to go see and/or that competiton from John Wick 4 and Super Mario Bros killed interests. Also, the fact that D & D is a world and a setting for adventures might have confused audiences on what it was about. It's not like straight up adapting a novel or even a character from a comic book (like Batman o Spider-Man). In D & D, the Dungeon Master and the players create and build the story and characters. It seems that families went to Mario and older audiences went to John Wick. It's unfortunate, but moviemaking is a big gamble. Even a good thing might not be in tune with what the general audience wants at that moment in time. Even if they see it later and like it. That's why it's so important for film to tell complete stories even if the filmmakers hope for sequels. The characters are all in a good place in the end. We can wish that the film does well enough on streaming for Paramount/ Hasbro to risk a sequel with the same team, but I'll just be happy with the film we have.
2023-05-15 18:59:26 This movie was the most enjoyable theatre experience I've had in quite a while. Lots of teens and families around me and everybody had a whale of a time with no phone distractions. Unfortunately, the film failed at the box-office. It had good reviews from critics and audiences that saw it, but it seems that the marketing campaign didn't convince the general public to go see and/or that competiton from John Wick 4 and Super Mario Bros killed interests. Also, the fact that D & D is a world and a setting for adventures might have confused audiences on what it was about. It's not like straight up adapting a novel or even a character from a comic book (like Batman o Spider-Man). In D & D, the Dungeon Master and the players create and build the story and characters. It seems that families went to Mario and older audiences went to John Wick. It's unfortunate, but moviemaking is a big gamble. Even a good thing might not be in tune with what the general audience wants at that moment in time. Even if they see it later and like it. That's why it's so important for film to tell complete stories even if the filmmakers hope for sequels. The characters are all in a good place in the end. We can wish that the film does well enough on streaming for Paramount/ Hasbro to risk a sequel with the same team, but I'll just be happy with the film we have.

This movie was the most enjoyable theatre experience I've had in quite a while. Lots of teens and families around me and everybody had a whale of a time with no phone distractions. Unfortunately, the film failed at the box-office. It had good reviews from critics and audiences that saw it, but it seems that the marketing campaign didn't convince the general public to go see and/or that competiton from John Wick 4 and Super Mario Bros killed interests. Also, the fact that D & D is a world and a setting for adventures might have confused audiences on what it was about. It's not like straight up adapting a novel or even a character from a comic book (like Batman o Spider-Man). In D & D, the Dungeon Master and the players create and build the story and characters. It seems that families went to Mario and older audiences went to John Wick. It's unfortunate, but moviemaking is a big gamble. Even a good thing might not be in tune with what the general audience wants at that moment in time. Even if they see it later and like it. That's why it's so important for film to tell complete stories even if the filmmakers hope for sequels. The characters are all in a good place in the end. We can wish that the film does well enough on streaming for Paramount/ Hasbro to risk a sequel with the same team, but I'll just be happy with the film we have.


Is this like LOTR or something? I had no idea this movie was a thing, so I'm asking. 🤔


I mean, it takes place in a fantasy setting with magic and bards and wizards, so it's similar in that regard. However, this particular movie is very lighthearted. I liken it to an MCU movie in which every single joke works. It also tells a self-contained story, so you don't have to have any knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons (the role-playing game) to understand. I definitely recommend you give it a try. (Your question, however, makes me wonder if its tie-in with Dungeons and Dragons was a reason it didn't do better at the box office. I bet a lot of people were turned off because they thought they had to have existing familiarity to get the story.)


Ooh, a Guardians Of The Galaxy meets Medieval-style fantasy sounds like it could be fun! And you may be right with your other point, because I was also wondering if it was casual friendly, having zero knowledge of D&D beyond the obvious. I think I will give it looksee! Thanks. 🙂

Armchair Wizard

Its funny you mention LOTR. LOTR is the major inspiration for the existence of DnD (DnD was a tabletop role playing game before it was a movie).