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Thank you for voting on Hellboy (2004)! What did you think of this movie? 😸😻

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I haven't watched yet, but I think the Director's Cut is actually on HBO Max, you just have to go below the theatrical version in "Extras" and choose the other cut that is 2 hours 12 minutes. Just in case someone else is looking.


Well, the intro was certainly a surprise. Thanks for reading my comment. (It was especially surprising since at the time, I think I commented on a post that was further down on the page.) I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. For me, it didn't blow me away upon first viewing, but I found myself returning to it over and over again. I just fell in love with the world they built, and the familial way the characters related to each other. As far as the differences between the extended cut and the original, I can't remember everything, but I believe a lot of the scenes with the villains going about their business wasn't in the original. And some of the interactions between Meyers and Liz was also missing. However, interestingly enough, the entire love triangle angle and Hellboy stalking Meyers and Liz, and him hanging out with the kid on the roof was all still in the theatrical cut. That's something you might assume they'd edit out, since it wasn't "necessary" to the main villain plot. But, no, they kept it in--and that's partly why I liked the movie so much to begin with. I think the sequel is worth watching, as it was also directed by Guillermo Del Toro, so it retains that same aesthetic. However, I really don't think the newer one is worth watching. It's basically a reboot, has no relation to this version of Hellboy, and wasn't very good in general.

Aaron Barlow

Such a brilliant movie! The sequel Hellboy: The golden army is also great with incredible production design by Del Toro. The reboot is not as good IMO probably due to nostalgia for the original. It was still a fun movie though.

Aaron Barlow

Lucky Hellboy's clothing is fireproof too lol. A naked hellboy after Liz burned the hounds and eggs would be awkward.


Yeah, the fireproof clothes thing always bothered me a little. To be fair, in many of the Liz Sherman scenes--they cut right to another scene, so we can imagine that, in fact, her clothes did burn up. However, I still wish that the special effects had provided some visual cues that her clothes were disintegrating in real time.

Aaron Barlow

Also, Hellboy burning his finger on his horn makes no sense if he's immune to heat and fire. Electricity cooks things so arguing that heat is different to flame doesn't cut it either. Just a minor movie mistake IMO.


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