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Vincent D'Onofrio is amazing as Fisk! What do you think of his character?

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Lorenzo Baxter

Dex is unsettling, but he actually deserves some sympathy. So the therapist wrote down Borderline Personality Disorder. That is a real emotional disorder. What it involves is that the people who suffer from it have an inability to manage their emotions effectively. They see a lot of people in very extreme lights. Either people they love are angels or devils. He used to like his coach until he took him off the field, then he hates him and he's the worst. Thats a tough life to live. It's got nothing to do with anger, as anger is a reaction, but its always connected to another emotion. Not a rage monster, much more complicated than that. Plus, she wrote down Psychopathic Tendencies. As we saw, he doesn't seem to feel remorse over when he killed his coach, or people he hurts in general. He also seems to really not feel natural empathy for others' problems. So, for one thing, there is no correlation between mental illness and violence. So you don't need to be that scared of him 😅 of course, it's a show, so it'll be more dramatized. But people with psychopathy aren't serial killers. Psychopaths are able to live normal lives, it's just that they feel things differently than others. They normally see people as things they can use in their lives to help them. They tend to manipulate others, and don't feel bad for the damages they cause. But they can learn and feel forms of empathy, and to not use people. They aren't doomed to be these fearsome monsters, like in TV. And when he's been alone, he's tried to adapt. People who struggles with those things generally mimic what others do and say around them. Hence, why he stalks Julie, and eats the same pizza she does, smiles in a similar way, etc. He tries to act like them, because he doesn't feel those things naturally. Having these mental illnesses aren't his choice. You can be born with these, or they develop because of trauma. Losing his parents at such a young age can very easily alter the brain, ending up in disorders and conditions. Plus, losing his parents also can bring him some severe abandonment issues. So that goes in tandem with his other problems. The goal is not to cure these illnesses. We can't force people to act exactly like everyone else, when they are different. The goal is to put them in a lifestyle that is healthy, and where they aren't a danger to themselves or others. So Dex just needed more coping mechanisms, besides just stalking someone he feels close to. I don't even think he likes Julie romantically. It's more of seeing her as someone to help him. She's a good person, and he needs that. A North Star. But sadly, Fisk has him in his sights, and having him as a North Star is bad for everyone because it turns someone who is teetering between these two lines, over the deep end.