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Kingsman was just fantastic. Thanks for requesting this and voting for it on our Movie POLL!

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I remember when this film came out. It had it's wide release in North America the same weekend as Fifty Shades of Gray as a sort of counter-Valentine's day flick. It was directed by Matthew Vaughn, who did Kick-Ass and X-Men First Class. The film was loosely based on a comic written by Mark Millar, creator of the Kick-Ass comic. Sofia Boutella who plays the knife-footed Gazelle appeared on your channel before. She was covered in makeup as Jaylah, the kind alien mechanic who befriends Scotty in Star Trek Beyond. Before Kingsman she was mainly a dancer, working on the tour of artists like Madonna. Taron Egerton who plays Eggsy recently had rave reviews for his portrayal of Elton John in the film Rocketman. This was also is first major role.

Aaron Barlow

It's quite true to life in some ways. The elite behind the global warming scam ultimately want to cull much of the world's population to make it more controllable as they head towards a communist world government. Prince Phillip famously said "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation." Govt handing out free things to the public which they queue up for is a bad sign. I'm so glad I never got the depopulation bioweapon known as the clot shot.

Aaron Barlow

Haha Kim "in more ways than one" line...shocking lol.

Aaron Barlow

Jaylah always reminded me of a delicious ice cream sundae in Star Trek.


It's so weird. I've had multiple versions of the "depopulation bioweapon," and I'm still around. Maybe I'm superhuman, or an android of some kind.

Aaron Barlow

Different people react differently at different rates. Doctors predict that some people will experience the effects over the next few years. This is a good documentary https://rumble.com/embed/v1to6s2/?pub=aw9cg


Please not again with the cringe conspiracy comments. If you don't agree with the vaccines or global warming keep it to yourself. Nobody will force you to take vaccine. Calling people who took the vaccine, subjects of some govt weapon is just rude and ignorant.. I expect you grow and buy your own food as well and don't drink any tap water? What's stopping the govt from adding the "depopulation" Kool-Aid to the processed foods you buy or the tap water??

Aaron Barlow

Oh please not again with the cringe anti-conspiracy comments. Nobody will force you? Really? Tell that to all the people that lost their jobs including nurses and doctors who refused to take the jab. What is ignorant is you failing to research the evidence before throwing accusations. Not only have the CDC and other organisations admitted the jab does not protect against transmission or infection, evidence shows it has done serious damage via clotting, so the 'safe and effective' slogan is a lie. My point was in the context of the movie, there are similar analagous principles observed in today's society. The govt could well be adding stuff to our food and water. They've actually been developing MRNA vaccines for livestock. There's also all the growth hormones, GMO and other potentially harmful stuff. It's virtually impossible to avoid unless as you say one grows all one's own food. My parent and sister have moved to the country and intending to do just that. Fun fact: Klaus Schwaab of the World Economic Forum has openly announced plans for a 'great reset', a reorganisation of society where you will "own nothing and be happy", i.e. a global Communist dictatorship. That together with all the elite like Bill Gates harping on about reducing world population should raise alarm bells in any rational person.


The fact that you can't tell the difference between a good thing and a head bomb speaks volumes.

Aaron Barlow

The fact that you can't be bothered to research facts and fail to grasp what an analogy means speaks volumes. BTW, a toxic experimental gene therapy that is designed to maim or kill years down the line is pretty damn similar to a head bomb.


Is this really the place to preach and debate about these issues? I come here to relax, not to be reminded of this stuff.

Aaron Barlow

Don't blame me, blame the people that jumped down my throat after I expressed my opinion. Seriously I don't know why all those girls show their bum on Instagram for attention when all they need to do is post a 'conspiracy theory' and they'll get all the attention they could want lol.