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It's a bird! It's a plane! It's time for Christopher Reeve as Superman! ❤💛💙

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Aaron Barlow

I think I must have the extended version, makes it hard to sync with you guys. Every once in a while I wonder why you're laughing at a serious bit then realise you're at a different part of the movie lol


Wow, I'll definitely be watching this movie again - loved it! The interview between Superman & Lois was great. I was a little surprised by how comedic Lex Luthor was, and thought Zod would come back into play, given his appearance in the beginning.

Aaron Barlow

I forgot the baddies were in this, I thought they were introduced in no 2. I guess Richard Donner had a long term plan,

Aaron Barlow

I love the unabashed old fashioned cheese. It's kind of refreshing, everything now has to be cast in a cynical light.

Aaron Barlow

I think Superman flies via an antigrav quantum warp field and has the ability to extend his field to make objects he's carrying 'fly' as well, otherwise the helicopter landing strut would snap off from the weight of the chopper, that's how Lois Lane could also fly beside him.


Yep. Superman 1 and 2 was supposed to be filmed back to back, didn't work out and due to clashes with producers, he got replaced by another director who changed much of the film. Eventually after a fan campaign Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut was released, letting fans finally watch his original intended vision, edited from existing footage. Something feels very familiar about this...


I like this version of Superman much more than Man of Steel's version. 😊


I had to deal with that with their Kill Bill vol 1 and 2 reactions, as I only had the Japanese versions which have extended fight scenes and extra footage. :P