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What an emotional journey! What did you think of this series? The finale? Was this a shock to you? Thanks for watching along with us! 💔❤ Also, thank you Tom and Kim for moving around your schedules so we could watch this together this week!

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Guilherme Zanettini

LOST is my favorite show of all time. Grew up watching it. Had a chance to go to Hawaii and visit alot of the places where it was filmed. It is such an emotional journey. I'm glad i could re-watch it with you guys tho. Still to this day sad that mom couldn't be on the couch, but all good. I miss these characters so much.

David Caine

When Benjamin turned the wheel, he moved the Island and teleported exactly on the opposite side of the world, Tunisia, from where the Island was at the time located. When Desmond turned the failsafe key to stop the hatch from imploding the whole Island back in Season 2, a bright light and a sonic humming covered the entirety of the Island, and that energy was detected by Penny's team in Antarctica most likely, where there is a real life station that detects geomagnetic data. Locke, Eko, and Desmond were then found outside the hatch in different places at the beginning of Season 3, they most likely teleported out of there when the light energy was discharged. The Man in Black, Smoky, that was one of the main nicknames among the fandom back then, along with Flocke (Fake Locke). When Jacob threw him into the light, his body was found in the same spot Jack ended up at the end after the light came back. They both teleported to that spot from the cave when the energy went off when they where down there. The runway was being built by the Others way back in Season 3, they were making Sawyer and Kate work on it, and Juliet later jokes that it was "for the aliens," then telling Sawyer that she did not know what the runway was for, they did not tell her everything. Frank and his copilot spot that runway in Season 5 when the light pulls them into the Island realm, and they are able to land without the plane coming apart, except the copilot ends up impaled by a branch. Jacob probably left a note to Richard to give to Ben to build a runway, knowing that the Ajira plane would land there years later, and for the rest of the survivors to go home.


Actually Dawn, they weren't dead on the island. All of their experiences there really happened, like Christian told Jack. A lot of people dismiss the finale as a copout thinking "they were all dead" the entire series, but they weren't watching closely enough. The only thing that wasn't real was the alternate reality segments, and that was a kind of a dream world they all created after they died to find each other in the spirit realm. The church sequence happened after all of them had died. Like Christian said, some before Jack, and some long after. Their time on the island was the most important time of their lives, and being there for each other is what mattered most. I think it's kind of a beautiful message. None of us can do it alone.


Its a common misconception that people have about this finale but the island was not purgatory. They didn't all die in the Oceanic plane crash. Jack's father said everything that happened before was real. They all lived their lives and experienced everything we saw in the show both on and off the island. Eventually they all died, like everyone does at some point. Then they all met up in the alternate reality (purgatory) before moving on.


About to start watching the epic finally with you! BIG TEARS ARE A GO! BIG TEARS ARE A GO! Welcome to the concert of everyone "walking up" together. I like to think the word "concert" took on a double meaning. Instead of each person waking up or becoming enlightened in the place they all created together to find one another individually, Kate, Claire, Charlie all woke up together, like a band of instruments. I like to think about the fact that characters like Kate, Claire, Sawyer, Desmond all lived to be 80-100, so when Kate tells Jack "I've missed you so much." she REALLY has missed Jack for a very long time before she eventually died and found him and her friends again in this "in between" before moving on to either heaven or "rebirth"/reincarnation. I LOVE LOVE LOVE, that the show doesn't tell you what to call this place after their deaths in very specific terms. One can take away what they want from it within the boundaries of how Christian described it. Lots of religions and beliefs can see this is the way they want to. One could even look at the representation of after death here as science based, since often times people say parts of their life "flashed before their eyes" or they saw their friends/family in the moments before they either died or were revived, like Desmond was in the multiple times he was exposed to large amounts of electromagnetism that only HE could survive. People often describe seeing things or dreams in their heads as lasting for hrs/days when they've only been unconscious for a few seconds. It's possible to me that everyone really does see this, as they return to the "light" or lose consciousness which is the essence of both the island and life right after they die. I could be a part of science we don't yet understand, and never will. There is nothing "Magical" about this show at all, other than the island magic, which is the same light as the magic of life. When you think about a bag of meat we all are, our souls being able to move them around are "magic". One theory that I recently starting believing, is that perhaps Rose and Bernard, similar to Eloise, they may have been "awake" the whole time when we first saw them in this Season 6 "other life". They seemed to understand who they were, and have already "moved on", and pointed other characters in the right directions. I just want to make if clear. There is only ONE reality in this show. There is no multiverse concept going on here. There are no spirit children. Frank DID have a giant bruise on the right side of his face when they found him. Christians states VERY CLEARLY, that everything that ever happened to Jack(his life) was real. EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED HAPENED IN THE "normal", ON ISLAND WORLD. Earth. The same reality we occupy. Our characters lived, got "LOST" in their lives, looking for something they couldn't find out there, found the island, some died on it, they found their purpose, some of their purposes resulted in them dying on it, some fulfilled their purpose on the island and left it afterwards. As Jack said "All of this, matters". Everything they did on the island in that one, single, life they all had, and then some of them (Sawyer, Miles, Kate, Claire, Richard, Lapidus, presumably Desmond) got to live more life after the end of the show. Hurley and Ben stayed on the island with Bernard and Rose, plus Cindy and "the kids". There were no do overs. Purgatory is a very specific thing. As we've witnessed, nothing in the show is that. This show is more it's own original idea for a place to be in after death. This "alternate reality" which as we now know WASN'T alternate, though is some type of unknown reality, is NOT purgatory because they are not being punished for "sin" or made better for being impure or more holy to move on. They just needed to find their island family and loved ones again, to rediscover each other and remember and appreciate and love the lives they had and companions they shared it with. They moved on embracing their entire lives, good and bad, and letting that go, not regretting their "sins". Except for Ben, yes I think that does apply. He actually does needs to spend more time their for being a worse person than most(or at least HE thinks he needs to) for a lot of his life, but not for most of them. He needs to create more happy times with Alex and Danielle. For me, this show made my pretty much look at my whole life differently and caused me to value my parents and family much more because of it, possibly to the detriment of my social life(lol?). At the same time it also made me try to avoid watching too many long term television series which don't seem to have an end point, or a purpose. And to wait to watch those that do with people I want to watch them with. I got REAL tired of watching TV alone after finishing this show and realized I in my 20's I was letting my life go by too much alone in my room. I love that Eloise wanted Desmond to not take Daniel with him, with their group, because since she was responsible for her son being often unhappy and ruining his life, sending him to the island and killing him, she wanted to spend the MOST TIME POSSIBLE with him in death. ♥ I HIGHTLY suggest rewatching The End again(not for a reaction video) after you now know what the "other place, Los Angeles" really is. The whole season again if possible. It will make you value specific and small interactions so much more, knowing it's the first time characters have seen each other is in VERY long time, and remembering the circumstances of when they last saw each other.

Ryan N

How do people not understand after things are explained so blatantly.


Again, here are the links to the short epilogue and 2 other important things for Storm, Kim, and Tom to see from the show. I think it's only available on YouTube and the DVD/Blu-ray. This is A MUST WATCH FOR CLOSURE OF CERTAIN CHARACTERS. I am SURE you will get multiple requests for at least The Epilogue in the YouTube comments after The End is uploaded. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMjPzV2RvO8&ab_channel=cusesmith The Missing Pieces of scenes which give more meaning to individual episodes (I don't consider them a must watch, but they're great for reaction content since they're fun and they last in total approx. the length of an episode) - If you're interested in watching more, the show also filmed some scenes after the fact, called "Missing Pieces" while they were filming Season 3. You know how you guys often criticize the show for characters not talking? In these scenes they do. They were originally released on the ABC website. They're not really deleted scenes, more so extra scenes which were written later and are part of the canon and filmed to the same standard as the rest of the show. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-V2KOUlHDE&list=PLcEz9Ll-bxaEtpoYeyIm5Nii3fzKxyo2n&ab_channel=kuhpunkt And the Blooper Reel spanning all six seasons with some truly hilarious moments - And finally, here's a link to the LOST BLOOPER REEL which is extremely funny if you decide to react to them. I highly recommend them! There are quite a few links on YouTube that don't have ALL the bloopers from each season. I checked this one and it has them from every season. Some other links only have bloopers from Season 1, or first 3 seasons, etc. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stxBFqJqgqQ&ab_channel=Pokemonfan4ever


I feel like we kept telling them this OVER and OVER again in the comments, but somehow they still kept the possibility open that the plane crash made them die. It IS is physical explanation. Everything, on the island, physically happened. The island existed for EVERYONE to possibly see. It's THERE. In the physical ocean, though it does move, which is why it's hard to track. And by the end of Season 4, saying THIS WASN'T IN ANY WAY A SPOILER. It was common plain basic knowledge I thought they understood because the were rescued and went back home. Again, no main characters, not Jack, Kate, Charlie, Sayid, Sawyer etc.. everyone we love, NONE of them died in ANY WAY in the plane crash, although they all did get a clean slate when arriving on the island, starting new on the island where their pasts didn't matter. Like...... did Jacob say ANYTHING about them being dead.....? You'd think if HE didn't' say it when he literally explained everything left about the island to explain, that maybe it's not a thing. HOW WOULD LOCKE'S CORPSE BE IN THE SAND OF THE PLANE CRASH TOM!?!? HE DIED IN LOS ANGELES FROM BEN! 😩 Other than this major misunderstanding of the facts, I am glad that emotionally they experienced the show and the finale as it should be experienced. But they would've have a deeper and more fulfilling understanding of the circumstances of each scene posthumously, in the post episode discussion had they not thought they were dead as soon as they reached the island. Especially the scene of Hurley seeing Charlie for the first time, Kate seeing Jack. When you think about them in hindsight, after knowing they all eventually pasted away after escaping the island and before that lost these people special to them on the island, you can put yourself in their shoes and think about your loved ones who passed away, and that's when the BIG tears come.


😂The Island was their life, they all knew each other before dying. Kate, Sawyer, Claire and Desmond left on the plane and probably died of old age off the Island. Hugo and Ben same thing, probably died of old age on the Island. The other reality could have taken place 1000 years after Jack's death for all we know, it depends on how long Hugo and Ben held on to their role guarding the Island while they were alive.


Can't believe it's been almost 2 years and a half 😥I remember starting to watch this with you during lockdown! It doesn't feel like it was that long ago though!


Yeah, to be fair though, it took me watching the church scene at least three time before I fully understood what happened back in the day. At least they still enjoyed it compared to so many others that misunderstood it then complained that it was all pointless since they were dead the whole time.

Miguel Lugo

I can't believe the journey is over. This was my favorite reaction series to LOST. The finale is controversial because many people interpreted the ending to mean they died when the plane crashed back in season one episode one and others feel the finale was clearly saying everything that happened on the Island was real. The only part that was purgatory was the flash-sideways of season 6 where they had to remember their real lives. I'm in the latter camp but I respect your reactions/theories and interpretations. Thanks for bringing entertainment to me over there last few years!