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We have one episode left! We have enjoyed this journey and can't wait to see the finale next week! Thank you for all your comments throughout this series!

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Interesting that you guys thought Ben suddenly wouldn't still want to kill Widmore. Widmore was ultimately on the side of good, but he was a horrible, murderous, greedy and power hunger person. He's only "good", because he doesn't want to whole world to die. It's been personal between them for a very long time. Ben turning a new leaf on treating people well and being accepted by our group wouldn't really be a factor in that. Widmore still sent Keamy with orders to potentially kill Alex, which Widmore wanted to do even when Alex was freshly brought into The Others as a baby. "You wanted her dead Charles, not the island". Charles: "I hope you're right Benjamin. Because if it is the island that wants her dead, she'll be dead." Tom still even now has some out there theories! Sawyer's suddenly gonna be the MIB? HUH?!? There's still 2 of each??? Hmmmm... With what Hurley said at the end. How he recognized Ana. Is he only remembering certain things, or more? (Insert other dancing around spoilers comment here) There would only be 2 if you saw both in the same scene.


Although I already suggested it via direct message, I recommend the series "Justified" as a replacement, now that you've finished Lost.😁😊


SPOILERS FOR THE END: That last paragraph is not correct. Light on = Has Power / Invincible, Light out = No Power / Mortal... able to bleed, be killed. It is quite literal. You make a lot of assumptions as well.

David Caine

You guys have done Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Attack on Titan, now I can't believe you have gone through LOST, time flew by too quick and we are finally at The End. One show that is on par with these, at least in terms of their huge popularity when they aired, is Battlestar Galactica. Or another epic universe that you guys should react to, is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it's offshoot, Angel. You would not regret any of those shows. Personally, this show missed a big opportunity and they should have named the last episode, "It only ends once..." one of Jacob's lines to the Man in Black in their first conversation to us the viewers...."it only ends once, anything that happens before that, it's just progress..." then the nameless brother glares, that line pissed him off. In any case, enjoy the final heart wrenching episode, and we should take bets on who of our reactors WON'T break. AND The End is not the end. There is a fifteen minute or so epilogue that you have to watch, The New Man in Charge, please react to it for us to complete the show and put a nice little bow on top of this journey.