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Thank you for requesting this movie! Due to motion sickness, we decided not to watch the first movie. Fans have told us it's okay to watch 10 Cloverfield Lane on it's own. I didn't want to torture poor Kimmy and make her sick with the first one.

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Very underrated movie. I guess the ending was the main thing people didn't like about it.


I really enjoyed this reaction, and how involved you guys got. The ending is somewhat divisive for people. I personally like how audacious it is. I think in most versions of this story, the filmmakers would go with 1 of 2 options: (a) Michelle would discover it was all a big lie. (b) Or she'd escape, see the aliens, and it would be like a punchline before the credits rolled. But here, not only were there aliens, the movie continued for like 15 minutes. (As you said, it felt like a totally different movie.) I think some didn't like the tonal shift. Plus, the ending went on for so long, I can see how it undermines the neat story arch of the previous 90 minutes. But again, I kind of like how they threw caution to the wind and kept the movie going. When Kim said she was almost glad you'd watched this without knowing the other one--that's exactly why I'm happy you saw this without that "context." This story works best when you don't have preconceived notions of what's going on. Also, while it was a totally logical assumption on Storm's part to assume the aliens here were the same creatures from the other Cloverfield movie--they actually aren't. Apparently this script had been written without any alien climax. But then JJ Abrams got involved, and he wanted them added to thematically tie this in with the other Cloverfield movie. However, even with that tie in, I think it's officially been said that this story doesn't even take place in the same world.